most hallucinogenic strain of marijuana??

I have smoked but not grown..

Veit black x thai
Bangi Haze....from Ace

Deep Chunk from Tom Hill.

Deep chunk is good but not what your lookin for.The VB x T was excellent smoke as was the BH.To be honest,i think the only way to really get any kind of "trippy" high is to abstain for a while.Heavy smokers just don't that kind of buzz any more,reguardless of what strain,atleast it's that way for me.....i SMOKE.

Tom Hills Haze is supposed to be TOP NOTCH gear,with what they called the "acid" pheno coming along every once in a while in a pack of seeds.Tom is one of the most respected breeders out there.

interesting.. I do agree that the hardcore hallucinogenic aspects probably wouldn't come out until you had a low tolerance... but I"m betting moderately hallucinogenic/trippy effects would happen with a moderate tolerance.... thanks again I'll look into tom hill, the haze is probably what I"ll try settling with.
I will be doing some long flowering genetics once i am able to upgrade with some more space.Toms Haze is on the list.
I'm planning to climatize these sativas I grow to have faster flowering genetics naturally...without hybridizing with afghanis... I don't think very many people have done this before... but I know it will work, outdoor climatization has a more dramatic effect on flowering genetics and flowering times than any other sort of breeding you can do that doesn't involve direct gene manipulation . . . sativa quest stat.
honestly, no lie, and it was not laced with anything... Orange Crush. We did it out of a waterfall for prolly atleast 20-30 minutes straight (just loading and ripping). I full out tripped dude! I kid you not... everything turned blue and purple (outlines of people, trees had purple flowers that normally don't exist, etc). Now when I only have a little bit of it I usually see floating red dots it's kinda weird. but good shit very very hallucinogenic IMO.

who has/had "orange crush"? never heard of it
Actually, the only cannabis strain to make me hallucinate was my brother's cross he called "Strawberry death" for the longest time i thought it was the sickest bud around, smoke 2-3g joint and i'd get colors to blend and mix together into a sorta beautiful collage, i got so high once (i might have been about 16-17 at the time) that i would regularly space-out and in those brief moments i'd see things morph together and then seperate when i would focused. he made the strain himself, and i bet he still has some seeds, i guess it isnt a true hallucinogenic strain, instead a very visual and spacey high that can fuck your vision up.
Purple Haze x Panama from Ace Seeds. Supposed to have a trippy visual side from the the Columbian and haze, with psychedelic effects, similar to good good mushrooms
im flowering LSD right now, supposedly its named after the drug for its "trippy high"

several people todl me it wasn't as trippy as they said it should be... but maybe there's that 'trippy' pheno in there somewhere....
the pheno i have is very spindly but has trichs on the fans leaves at 4 weeks, thats a good sign in my opinion!
If you get the right pheno's of lsd it will straight fuck you up for hours, visuals, sounds, every sense gets messed with and warped in one way or another. Some people say it doesn't have a traditional stone to it but i disagree, it's just that the psychoactive part of the buzz is so strong you don't feel it much compared. Two pheno's i've found so far have this effect, one's a sati dom bush with massive lower leaves and deformed uppers, the other is a midget pheno, never gets very tall but very wide with deformed leaves all over. They are both freaks from seed, clones grow better and the other pheno i got is still some extremely potent smoke, very happy high as stated before. I got lucky with my 5 pack and the pheno's i got out of it
Tryout any pure Sativa strain that you can get your hands on, no matter if it is from Latin Amrica (Brazil, Colombia), South East Asia (Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia) or Africa.

African Sativas are very Strong (as mentioned before "Mabombe" by
Delta 9 Labs is offering for breeding purposes a serious, pure Cambodian Genetik, flowering 16-18 Weeks...!

And, dont fool yourself, let them ripe for the whole nine yards....
btw: I had optics several times.

Once, it was a Thai plant, back in the very late 80ees or very early 90ees, when it was hard to get some weed in germany (Mostly we smoked hash). It was all natural, no hybrid, well cured properbly because of its long distance transport in plastic bags on sea routes, because it was starting to get brown. It took you head-wise. We were watching this horror movie "the changeling", and when there was the (silly) szene with that ball jumping autonomiously up the stairs (5th minute ... lol) we had to stop the video tape and freaked out totally... had to go out for a walk :-)

Second time I remember, I smoked sth that was sold as Northern Lights :-) I sat in the sun aside the dancefloor of a psychedlic trance party in day time, watching, and everthing started to get some "glare" around the contours...

And yes, take it orally in some butter cakes or cocoa milk for tripping. (Fat is important, because THC wont solute and be absorbed by your body in water!).

This was the third time with trippy optics: when we bobbled some mediocre hash into a McDonalds Cacao, on the go for the party. It was not even half a gramm for each of us. We all were fricking tripping seriously for hours ... :-)

edit: excuse my bad spelling.... shame shame and too lazy to correct it ....