Most J's Smoked in a Day?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
when people are saying blunts, are they talking a real blunt, as in blunt papers, or are you just talking a small blunt reef?

i smoke about 2-3 a day, if i've got the stash lying around though, i can happily get through 20 reefs a day, but i rarely ever do, and to be honest, while i love getting stoned, i also love walking around the shops and parks and such at home in crystal clarity and such, i think a lot, i mean a looooot, and while i love my stoner thoughts, i think serious stuff as well which i like to be sober for.

and 5 blunts before work... that's mad


Well-Known Member
when people are saying blunts, are they talking a real blunt, as in blunt papers, or are you just talking a small blunt reef?

i smoke about 2-3 a day, if i've got the stash lying around though, i can happily get through 20 reefs a day, but i rarely ever do, and to be honest, while i love getting stoned, i also love walking around the shops and parks and such at home in crystal clarity and such, i think a lot, i mean a looooot, and while i love my stoner thoughts, i think serious stuff as well which i like to be sober for.

and 5 blunts before work... that's mad

dont kno bout every body else but if i smoke a blunt its usually a grape or strawberry dutch.bout to quit getting them though last week i bout 3 and all of them had fucked up leaves.they taste so good though:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
a in reality I have no idea how many J's I smoke but about a week ago I got an ounce with some friends and we smoked it in 3 days.