Most obvious signs to your neighbors that you grow


Well-Known Member
8000watts of hps leaking out an uncovered basement window.
11 hippies trimming strange plants in my shed
The giant marijuana compost heap.
Asking neighbor to help you assemble hydro kit 'cause you can't read chinese.
The smell.
The christmas wreath is made of sativa.
You dont seem to have a job and just bought a viper.


Well-Known Member
The rather large unassuming greenhouse that you just built.
Every night at 9pm entire neighborhood goes a little bit dim except your place.
If you live in seattle and are tan.


Well-Known Member
In your opinions what are the most obvious signs to your neighbors that you might be growing buds.
Hmmmm, this is a tough one.

I would have to say the most obvious is when you run around the outside of their house naked while masturbating furiously with a rabbit mitton on your hand.

Otherwise I think they won't notice a thing :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm, this is a tough one.

I would have to say the most obvious is when you run around the outside of their house naked while masturbating furiously with a rabbit mitton on your hand.

Otherwise I think they won't notice a thing :blsmoke:
WTF.....have you been talking to my ex wife.....she swore not to tell anyone:)


Well-Known Member
try to not let the smell leak out.. That can be hard.. The house I have smells, even outside the front door.. Make sure the weather striping is good and that all your bathroom fans are on. Becarfull moving soil in and out well trying not to look like you have a bin full of wet soil just flushed and slip, tosing small amounts of soil on white snow... Little details like that.. Otherwise, they are not assuming that you grow, you just think they might assume. hope u dont get noticed good luck!

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
Hmmmm, this is a tough one.

I would have to say the most obvious is when you run around the outside of their house naked while masturbating furiously with a rabbit mitton on your hand.

Otherwise I think they won't notice a thing :blsmoke:
You're absolutely right - that's a dead giveaway every time. That's why when I run around the outside of the neighbor's house naked while masturbating furiously, I never use a rabbit mitten. And I swear to god, it works, because they have never once said a word to me about whether I grow marijuana or not.


Well-Known Member
You're absolutely right - that's a dead giveaway every time. That's why when I run around the outside of the neighbor's house naked while masturbating furiously, I never use a rabbit mitten. And I swear to god, it works, because they have never once said a word to me about whether I grow marijuana or not.

no soft fluffy mitten?!?!

My god man how do you do it?!?! :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
everyone mentions smell, but my plants dont stink! and its been 54 days of flowering.... there is just a small hint of plant.. but nothing like " holy shit it smells like a skunk Omgwtfbbq"

Is it just the strains im growing? Afghan?

Or maybe my plants suck