Most obvious signs to your neighbors that you grow


Well-Known Member
mostly people who get caught are either lazy or stupid.

common reasons for getting caught are.
#1 telling other people that you grow
#2 telling other people that you grow
#3 telling other people that you grow
#4 being stupid or lazy or both

do your research, think about what you are doing and how it will look to others. mow your damn lawn and for the love of baby jesus, don't tell people that you grow.


Well-Known Member
The rather large unassuming greenhouse that you just built.
Every night at 9pm entire neighborhood goes a little bit dim except your place.
If you live in seattle and are tan.
That is hilarious. My guest bedroom window's light is constantly on I've always wondered if people assumed anything but all my neighbors are mexican, they wouldnt give a shit if they did know.