Of course it's not their fault.
But what makes them the everyday fuckers?
Some sort of influence impacts on those fuckers and makes them fuckers!
Could it be...BRAINWASH?!
I'm not saying that there aren't people who think freely or are good hearted. I'm saying that we are all brainwashed because of what the talking heads on sticks publicize.
I suppose the target are a good majority of Americans.
Remember, Brainwashing isn't BAD...its effort aimed at instilling certian attitudes and beliefs in a person.
"Here see this thing of green eyed greed that has the need to feed on me.
Pay no attention, sleep and dream of the shinny things.
Filling empty lives, lack of purpose. Middle children of history.
Corporations greatest resource, the mindless masses.
Consume till your death there are many to replace you.
They define your mind, your views, your life has been standardized.
You are not a super star, you are not an individual. You will not be president."