Most pothead don't know anything about weed


Well-Known Member
Has anyone else noticed this?

Virtually all weed smokers don't know jack about weed. Unless they grow it, amost every pothead I know doesn't know what strain they are smoking or even what the word "strain" means. All they know is if it's good or if it's schwag. Not to sound elitist, but the RIU membership really is the cream of the crop when it comes to bud - you won't find conversation about growing methods, nutes, lights, grow room setups, strains, etc in 99.9% of smoking sessions out there.

I'm not saying you have to be a weed scholar to smoke - I'm just surprised by how many people aren't at all interested in what goes into growing the bud they love so much (and spend so much $ on).


Well-Known Member
i find this to be true for myself as well. i didn't know anything about weed before i became interested in growing. there wasn't really a need to know anything about it, I just got whatever my dealer had and that was it.

i think the one thing that really gets me is when people refer to "hydro" or "dro" as it's own strain. or that hydro grown weed is any different from soil grown. its all the same plant!

but yea i didnt know shit before i found this site either.


Well-Known Member
yah... ive noticed that too... i got friends that smoke alot more than me, but no jack shit... usually if im interested in something i do some research about it...


Well-Known Member
ive noticed this too, but then again there is a point in everyones marijuana career where you dont know jack

My dealer for example doesnt knw any grow lingo or much in depth about the plant in any stages of its life other than bud, but he can eyeball a strain from across the room.


Active Member
yea alot of my boys smoke almost everyday, and they really dont know anything at all! i laughed when i seen my one boy tryin to grow. haha he said he was gonna get like a pound, and then he starts adding up all of his future "profits". and this is when his plant is 1 inch tall, and he's using office lamps. i tried to show him some things, but it went over his head.


New Member
i hate walkin into dispensaries and the ppl behind the counter s dont know shit about the nug they have??? thats some bullshit fosho.. how do u get hired without knowing ur nug??? i just dont get it.


Well-Known Member
I noticed this phenomena aswell. most stoners ive encountered don't even know what thc is, i have to educate them and heck even a cop i was talking to at the fair didnt even know (he didnt seem interested in being educated about it either). sadly ignorance seems quite prevalent when it comes to weed.


Well-Known Member
ya but you can say the same thing about alcohol drinkers. ;) or anyone lookin to catch a buzz.. they don't give a fuck, as long as they are getting a buzz from it and not getting ripped off.. lol

ya sure alcohol has a label, but do you TRULY know what goes into producing that fine whiskey or scotch you are drinking, the grains they used for that particular drink, etc etc.. fuck no. you buy it and drink it. ;p

edit: ya i noticed that though too .. people dont WANT to know shit. that is the main thing ;)


Well-Known Member
yup... i have friends that smoke every day but wouldnt belive me theres a such thing as indica or sativa :roll:


Well-Known Member
^^ a couple of my friends will actually call in "INDINCA" and when I correct them they tell me I'm wrong.


Well-Known Member
I hate when people tell me they got some dro. And everytime I have a friend over and they see my 55 gallon fish tank they say "Dude, you could convert that to a hydro settup! I just look at them funny and think to myself, (Tell that to the durban poison I got growing in the closet.) That is exactly why good weed costs so much on the street. Noone really considers how easy it would be to grow.


Well-Known Member
a lot of my friends know their shit, its cool to get blazed and talk about strains and grow stories. on another hand..

does anyone watch The Shield when you get stoned?? holy shit it's so intense!! i feel like i'm like really there..or in the main character's head..its a trippy ass feeling