Most powerful creature on the planet


New Member
Hey Knowm, that looks a hell of a lot like a Killer Whale. I mean I could be wrong but I'm almost sure.

Killer Whales are one of the coolest predators on the planet. Do you know they'll play with their food before eating it? They play toss the seal. I love wildlife programmes, there are even some plants out there that make cool predators.


New Member
Still looks a bit like a killer whale. Imagine how fast that great white can travel through the water to get it's body that far out. I mean, it makes you wonder how some people have actually fought off a great white. It takes a lot of courage not to just give up and die.


New Member
I've never been in the sea, the closest I've ever got is to touch it with my hand. I didn't need to know any more after that. There's more than just sharks you need to look out for. I don't even take my trainers off on the beach.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
i just talked to my buddy who is there on work.. he has a condo on the beach and said he'd fly me over.. but he said there is very little this true?


Well-Known Member
Man i wanted to grow some Great White Shark in my next hydro go, but now i´m afraid to loose a leg or a u think i should give it a go anyway?????


Well-Known Member
yeah they just did a huge special on "jumping great white sharks" on the discovery channel, theres one strand of ocean somewhere around baja where the sharks do that. lol all the information you can learn while stoned..


Well-Known Member
since i was young i have had great fear and admiration of sharks. i used to not even worry when i went to the beach. now i am paranoid wondering what is gonna come take a bite out of my leg lol.


Well-Known Member
I saw that entire video series in my World Geography class. It's the fucking shit.
You should see it on a TV in good quality, it truely is amazing. That shark has got to be over 20 ft.
The wildlife footage some people get is jaw dropping. You should explore it while your stoned sometime.