Most powerful creature on the planet


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Well-Known Member
NO PERSON could keep that shark from killing them. Not even with any gun.
The ocean is totally their territory, we're intruding everytime we go in. I don't let it bother me though. Where I go to the beach, there's never really been a shark attack that I've heard of.
Although last year, me and my friend were way out, just swimming, and a baby shark (I'm pretty sure it was a fucking shark) about 2-3 ft. long jumped like 6 ft. out of the water, about 15 or 20 ft. in front of us. We just halued ass back. We were out like 8 ft. deep.
It's fun though. Good stories like that one.


Well-Known Member
since i was young i have had great fear and admiration of sharks. i used to not even worry when i went to the beach. now i am paranoid wondering what is gonna come take a bite out of my leg lol.

Are you in your 30's or 40's and watched the movie JAWS when it first came out? I seen a animal show about the stats of americans who had the fear of the ocean just cause of that movie. not just scared of sharks but the ocean.

I've been in the ocean at acapolco, and play del carmen(just south of cancun) i'm not sure if that's considered the gulf or the pacific there? hmmm.
I didn't even think about sharks at the time, probably all the drinks:mrgreen: Thinking back if there were sharks, looking up at thier lunch. This pasty white canadian kid would have stuck out like a sore thumb amid all those dark mexicans. I know my tag is mexiblunt but I am the farthest thing from one aside from the fact that I loved my trips to mexico. I want to see ALL the ruins. Did get to see dolphins and whales from the beach tho.


Well-Known Member
Are you in your 30's or 40's and watched the movie JAWS when it first came out? I seen a animal show about the stats of americans who had the fear of the ocean just cause of that movie. not just scared of sharks but the ocean.

I've been in the ocean at acapolco, and play del carmen(just south of cancun) i'm not sure if that's considered the gulf or the pacific there? hmmm.
I didn't even think about sharks at the time, probably all the drinks:mrgreen: Thinking back if there were sharks, looking up at thier lunch. This pasty white canadian kid would have stuck out like a sore thumb amid all those dark mexicans. I know my tag is mexiblunt but I am the farthest thing from one aside from the fact that I loved my trips to mexico. I want to see ALL the ruins. Did get to see dolphins and whales from the beach tho.
yeah bro i am in my 30's and did have some fear of sharks. i used to be obssessed , always watching shows about them and over the years reading about them in books. generally most sharks are not agressive towards humans. when i was younger we spent our summers on the east coast beaches like nags head and va beach. so sharks attacks rarely happened if any at all. when some of my family moved to florida within the last 7 years i vacation alot down there. but about 5-6 years ago like 50 people got bit by sharks down there which made me paranoid. one dude was swimming in a canal behind his house and got eaten by a bull shark. but jaws influenced me when i was young to fear sharks.


Well-Known Member
Yeah if 50 ppl got attacked near my location or even If the locals would have said someone got attacked I would be scared out of the water too. I have a fear of birds for some reason. hate em. Just the ones with big beaks. I think I was chased by a chicken at a very young age. ahhh that jerky head motion just gets me.


Well-Known Member
Yes chicken is awesome! so are the eggs but I aint cozzeeing up to that asshole let alone the chicken.


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Killer whales eat sharks. The special I saw said if one killer whale learns a weakness of an enemy...all local killer whales will learn as they communicate/teach each other.
One pod of killer whales got so good at killing sharks...that they just eat the livers and leave the rest. (apparently the sharks are plentiful and the whales can get as many as they want...whenever they want so they just eat their favorite part)

The sharks weakness is being struck in the belly and rolled over on their backs. Almost instantly if put bellyside up...a shark will enter a coma-like state...then it's nom nom nom time for Orca.


Well-Known Member
Killer whales have several advantages over sharks.

1. Sharks are fishes and thus cold blooded. Whales are mammals and thus warm blooded. Warm blooded creatures can roam far greater stretches of water than can cold. Their hunting grounds are greater. Their endurance is greater too.
2. Killer whales travel in pods...and hunt as pods. Sharks don't even really like each other. The chance of a shark picking off a Orca are like zilch. Whereas Orcas can pretty much kill whatever they want.
3. Orcas communicate and can learn. They adapt their hunting techniques not over generations...but in a matter of hours/days. As I said before sharks have a weakness in being rolled over on their backs...or you can drag them backwards and drown them.
Orcas can learn figures it out...that day you'll have 20 of them applying the technique.

tell me these whales aren't VERY intelligent.

they drag the ice into more open water...then line up and make a coordinated swim to make a wave to knock the seal off.
then apparently they let the seal back on the do it again. (one commentator had it right imo...they were teaching a young whale)


Killer whales have several advantages over sharks.

1. Sharks are fishes and thus cold blooded. Whales are mammals and thus warm blooded. Warm blooded creatures can roam far greater stretches of water than can cold. Their hunting grounds are greater. Their endurance is greater too.
2. Killer whales travel in pods...and hunt as pods. Sharks don't even really like each other. The chance of a shark picking off a Orca are like zilch. Whereas Orcas can pretty much kill whatever they want.
3. Orcas communicate and can learn. They adapt their hunting techniques not over generations...but in a matter of hours/days. As I said before sharks have a weakness in being rolled over on their backs...or you can drag them backwards and drown them.
Orcas can learn figures it out...that day you'll have 20 of them applying the technique.

tell me these whales aren't VERY intelligent.

they drag the ice into more open water...then line up and make a coordinated swim to make a wave to knock the seal off.
then apparently they let the seal back on the do it again. (one commentator had it right imo...they were teaching a young whale)

I saw the same show 2 lol on history channel I think, crazy stuff. Never taught a killer whale was so dangerous!

Jimmy Luffnan

Well-Known Member
About 20 meters from my back door is Australia's Southern Ocean or "Great Bight" and is home to the largest recorded and non recorded Great White Shark's on the planet.
Ive always grown up in the ocean.. fishing, swimming, surfing, snorkeling... even spearfishing and in that lifetime seen many sharks of all species and sizes.
But having an understanding of how a shark thinks leads me to not fear them (within reason).
But of all the sightings I have seen with my own eyes of Great Whites are nothing like what you see on your TV screen.
A 20ft Great White shark is to see just inches away from you on a boat or in a shark cage leaves you numb and unable to move... for the first few seconds you even forget to breathe.
The bit that you don't see on a TV screen is the pure girth of a Great White of that length and coming to understand why that the thing weighs more than your car. An animal that weighs well over a tonne, has the jaw pressure of a few tonne and can move faster under water than you can on land it's easy to work out why people shit themselves just thinking about getting in the ocean...

I love 'Whites'... but I don't surf down here any more these days. When you walk out along a reef shelf with your board and get to the edge, the water just drops off into deep blackness. Visibility is about 5 meters and under that is simply blackness. Even though I have such an understanding of them, something very primal inside me tells me not to go in the water... like a self preservation 'spider sense'

We are not allowed to photograph Great Whites down here over 20ft simply because of (a) It can increase the amount of illegal shark poachers to a feeding ground and (b) the rest of the world (media) isn't going to feel much better that the imaginary '25ft JAWS' can and does reach up to 30ft and bigger, not to mention Australia's massive beach going tourism.

At least once in your life, you have to come to South Australia and go down in a shark cage to see a Great White with your own 2 eyes... and if your really game... do it high like the locals =P

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
eyerguy4 your a douche. I saw you post something unrelated in another thread and it happened to be malicious as well. Shark or Whale...either way they don't fuck around.