Most stoned you've ever been?

Its fucked up but when i was young thats how i knew i had good weed cause if i over smoked i would get nausea and throw up ..

Been years since ive done it i dont know why lol

Did i just get more tolerant?
Thought I would "relax" so I ate 2 brownies and then smoked some while in the bathtub... after about an hour and half decided to get out the tub... told Alexa to drain the tub then got pissed off because she wasn't listening to me.... only to remember that 1: Alexa isn't in my bathroom and 2: that isn't something she can do..... but it took me almost 15 minutes to figure out why my tub wasn't draining.
that IS fucking funny
I got myself couch-locked @ a friend's house after filling & emptying his new 36" glass device. He told me there were some bits of hash mixed in just as the smoke hit my tongue...but I was already committed. I was immobile for about 4hrs.
It was about... 3 am.. i couldn't sleep, so i called a friend. drove to his house. he had some ground up in his grinder already, smelled great, fruity..
After we smoked a bowl we stood up to go outside. He was fine... But I had a crraaaaaaazy reaction to it... i started tripping for a solid 5 - 10 minutes, it was intense and very colorful. very different from LSD or Shrooms, of course. Closer to salvia but not so... i don't know... weird....? fucking did not help me go back to sleep when i got home.
A long time ago i went grocery shopping and fired up a doob before i started. I got all the way home and remembered i didn't actually unload the cart and had to go back and get my groceries.

Funnier still i was shopping and then grabbed my cart and went to the other side of the store. I could hear something but wasnt paying attention. It was a shrill lady telling me i was pushing her cart around. I had to go back and fill my own cart.

I dont shop high anymore. It gets expensive.
A couple years ago we smoked over 5 grams of wax in a couple hours on 7/10. July 10 upside down spells OIL. NATIONAL oil day. Felt like I did when I was 12 and just starting to blaze.