most weed tastes the same!!


Active Member
if not all weed taste the same with the exception of noticeable strains like cheese.

but most weed ive tasted taste the same, why is it we grow many types of bud when it all tastes similar and does the same thing which is obviously GET HIGH

my theory is there is no such thing as strains weed is all the same.... the only difference is good and bad weed and thats it! either its good or its bad! SIMPLES!:joint:


Active Member
To OP..

Surely you can conceed that there is a difference between indica and sativa highs right? One locks you down while the other makes you go?...


Active Member
What the hell does the guy you grab from not know how to leach or cure all tastes different my friend!! Haze is my fav. flav......


Active Member
Your mouth and/or taste buds MAY be totally fucked should see a doc

or clean your smoking device.

or dont smoke joints/blunts of dank/tasty bud....

cuz most bud tastes completely different, except most reggos, those all taste just about the same


Active Member
There are a lot of things that influence taste and high besides the strain. Soil vs Hydro. Brand of nutes. Was a sweetener used? Did the grower flush before harvest? Was it cured properly? Was it harvested early or late?

A lot of smokers couldn't pick similar strains out of a blind test. White Widow from one grower will taste different than that grown by another.
brush your tongue or clean your bong (although I do like a dirty bong myself lol) Every batch I buy tastes different.
Thats like saying all wines taste the same but billions is spent in R&D trying too come out with new variations.


Well-Known Member
Try some Purple Urkle, or GDP, and tell me it all taste the same. No way buddy. Thats like saying all meat taste like chicken, it just aint so. And as for there not being different "strains", thats like saying, every person is the same. People are people, and marijuana is marijuana, but the genetic potential for variation is limitless! Honestly that's one of the goofiest things I ever heard a (stoner?) say.


Active Member
none of mine taste the same.. some fruity , some lemony, some piney, some skunky, some dirty sockey,mmmmm dirty sockey....gotta go


Well-Known Member
this is like the connissuer thread where the airy buds were better than the dense ones LMAO
LOL.. I remember reading that one too...

I think it's just your pallet. I do know what you are getting at.. but someone used wine as a very good example.. red wine is just red wine when you pay $5 a bottle... but compare that to even a middle of the road priced Chateau Neuf du Pape (my favorite red BTW) and you will know there is a difference. Try a clean pipe and screen and try and "taste" the smoke and see if there's a difference for you..


Active Member
if it gets you high its good, if you want flavor you can add something to it.. i grow for high thc.. I will not grow a lower thc bud just for taste


Active Member
this is like the connissuer thread where the airy buds were better than the dense ones LMAO

Lol Yeah I am a pro connoisseur but in my opinion seeds, stems, and airy, tasteless bud is my favorite.

All bud tastes the same, there is no such things as strains and males have more THC than females.