If you want some advice, explain your setup in detail and i'll do my best. I have had plenty of fungus gnats and a few root aphid infestations in the past. The fungus gnats seem nearly harmless, but in the long run they bring larger problems. You also want to try to fix the problem that is inviting the pest... in media like coco though... i am convinced you can be growing flawlessly and still have a small fungus gnat issue.
You'll want to make sure you do not have root aphids as well. The flying root aphids look almost identical to fungus gnats. The flying root aphids are much quicker and more coordinated than the fungus gnat. Try to smash a couple gnats... if you cannot catch one of them as they are too quick then you probably have root aphids. I credit that "smash test" idea to the RIU user "West Coast Cultivation". Obviously, you would want to confirm that by finding root aphid nymphs.
With a little work you can get rid of fungus gnats and then start up preventative measures to keep them from coming back. The way to go about it totally depends on your setup. Yellow traps are definitely part of it... to save cash, instead of paying out the money for 5 traps over and over... buy a stack of yellow construction paper and a tub of "tanglefoot". You can make your own traps for pennies rather than over $1US a piece, like the grid pre made traps. The homemade ones are just as effective. With a putty knife, a stack of paper, and tub of tangle foot, you can make 500 traps for under 30 bucks. Which would get you about 20 traps at a hydro store.