Mother nature hydroponics

I dropped mad dough at organicly grown before I know what I know now. Ken sold me two systems. A ebb and flow and a ebb and grow telling me they would work together well if u are in the know that ebb and flow wouldn't build up enough water high enough for the ebb and grow buckets to get hydrated. When I say mad dough 2500-3000 right off the rip. All the ebb and flow was ever used for was a drainage tray for my clones. That has stuck with me forever. I don't like that he got me for 500 for the double tray unit. When I brought up the subject I was informed it was just buissness. Lol ok Bitch I never be back. Since then I've spent about 10,000 dollars at the smithfield store and have talk shit about them ever since.

The key is if u don't know how to grow don't let the retailer tell u how no matter what. Now the Smithfield store don't know everything either but I do now about hydroponics so I have them order me everything,pay cash and inform.them about products. I like their prices and the chicks in their are cool to bullshit with for 5 mins.

As far as the mother nature store sadly when I went they were closed also at 1 pm no clue why, probley cause they make more money growing and put that first.

If your in northern r.I. I've heard good things about the glocester store but java bit to far of a drive for my liking.
I went to Organically Grown[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]...once. Told the guy I was going to use the Lucas Formula using Gen Hydro and he insisted that I needed Grow also. scratch[/FONT]
Disclaimer, I am not friends with any of these shop owners but it's important to me that atleast they act friendly towards me as a potential customer. I shop where I feel comfortable and where I can get what I want for a reasonable price....

...Good to grow in West Greenwich, nice place with lots of room. They have everything you might need from CO2 generators to small trimmers and I've yet to see that at any other shop. It's a big store, very neat and organized. Nice people as well however I don't like the fact that the Coventry police often sit across the street and watch the store. I've made the drive a few times only to pass by the store when I see the cops camped out. I'm legal but I still don't need any bullshit. At this time I feel comfortable shopping at Mother natures and If I ever loose that feeling Ill go else where. In the next year or two there will be many more shops opening so they had all better kick up their game or they'll be out of a job.

I dont know id rather shop at a place where you can see the cops rather then a place that they are covertly investigating due to large grow operations and money laundering.