Mother Nature, what the fuck?


Active Member
The weather this here has been so crazy... insane constant sun and heat... it's amazing there's a single plant left alive outside. The thing that's really getting me though is when a big cold front does finally move through the area, there's all these storm predictions and then all we get is a few pathetic light sprinkles of rain, more of a PNW weather pattern. It's like the laws of physics have changed... the fuck is going on? :dunce:


New Member
Well it's my fault. Sorry. Because I retired from outside she is pissed that she can't Fuck me. So we get these tantrums ;)


Well-Known Member
Friend planted some outdoors all toast he spent a grand in fem seeds total bust. Best advise is get some 3/4" pipe and a well point and drive your own well in january or feburuary when no one will see you or hear you pounding in a well. Then take it to the next step and get a solar panel, car battery, battery tender, pump, timer , hose set and forget.


June F'd me up when we left for 1 week vaca, got back and had 2 wilty survivors. Vigilant eve/night watering kept them going and now lookin' good. Both Fem I guess thats a plus. It was the top and bottom of a split plant. Been messed up weather this year for sure.


Reading these post says I did good. It was a bitch but every other day I watered and asked for rain when I couldn't. My girls grew over eight feet. But I have a problem. now. Everything is budded and lookng good. But my sfv is showing small buds that need to grow. But the weather is starting to get cool. The high today was about 68f. Harvest should be around 10/27. People in Michigan do I have time.


Active Member
Where in Michigan are you? In the UP you're likely going to face some snow by the end of October, but around Ann Arbor (where I am) you'd probably be fine, just keep an eye on frost alerts and throw some bags over the plants to insulate them overnight if it's going to freeze.


Active Member
Yeah I lived in the UP for a long time, I actually can't remember seeing the first snow in November, it was always late September to mid October. I still remember friends hauling ass miles through the woods, smashing through dense brush in pitch blackness with hundreds of garbage bags to save their plantations... lol... how the fuck could they navigate that? they were like deer, lol... that shit happened a lot. You only get real summer for 2-3 months up there. After September, it's gone.

If you're desperate you could plug a 1500w space heater into a generator and leave it running by the plant. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Ya outdoors was a total bust this year even with an irrigation system planted may 20 and buds are barely ripe lucky i have indoors but that too was a hard summer(cooling problems) didnt have it as bad as alot of indoor growers though heard spider mites seem to have built up a tolerance to all organic sprays(have a friend thats a UofM chemistry proffesor) lucky for me no one but me goes in and i wear a frikin lab suit in there so mites or bugs of any sort are never an issue. Seems most outdoor in MI is fucked sucks for us thats why originally went indoors.


Active Member
If you get mites from clones resistance may be more of an issue, as they've had to survive them to continue to be passed on on clones...

However, I've never had this problem, rosemary oil, peppermint oil, and cinnamon oil all seem to be very deadly for them. You might just be unlucky.


Well-Known Member
I keep hearing about these "mites" I guess I'll knock on wood, but I've never had anything except gnats and springtails. I do get an occasional cricket, earwig and spider though. I try to leave the spiders alone.. but when you have spiders big enough to eat the praying mantis you put in your garden it's time for them fuckers to go.

I'e went from arachnophobic to very tolerant of spiders over the last few years, some I'll even catch and put outdoors instead of killing. But them fucking creepy ass daddy long leg, house spiders in the basement... eeewwwww I hate them fuckers, even though I've been tolerant of them too, too tolerant because they seem to be having a population explosion. I really need to bomb but I hate that shit too..



I am in the Dee.They are to big for bags. I had to get on top of the garage to see the tops. Got powdery mildew I'm going to spray with green cure tomorrow if it doesn't rain


Active Member
You should be fine, just check the weather every night for frost alerts. You can always cut and tape bags together into massive ones to throw over the plants. It's well worth the trouble when you have frost coming.