Mother Plant Age Before Cloning??


Well-Known Member
I've seen him write alot of other goofy shit that is obviously bs. like giving a extra 12 hrs dark when flipping will make the plant flower sooner and that you want to hang and dry your bud in a area without any air circulation or you'll get moldy bud. Their are some others but those were the main ones that makes me doubt his credibility.


Well-Known Member
I've seen him write alot of other goofy shit that is obviously bs. like giving a extra 12 hrs dark when flipping will make the plant flower sooner and that you want to hang and dry your bud in a area without any air circulation or you'll get moldy bud. Their are some others but those were the main ones that makes me doubt his credibility.
Got a reference for those statements as I provided one for you?


i wait till the plant is mature and begin to clone i make sur the potential cutings have at least 4 nodes to work with. i put at least two nodes in the medium. i also wait till the branches begin growing asymetrical this is the easiest way to check the maturity of a plant good luck
Good shit. Thanks Skidwaykush,.


Well-Known Member
sheet....clone first time on the top on the 4th leaf group. Why? Anything under that will be stem anyway... so get the 4 tops asap. Just make sure you see cross leafs before taking a top/clone. So you will have 3 clones when you go to flower. This approach also slows down some stretching imo...good luck...It's only a plant like many in the garden.....


Active Member
Page 87 of the Indoor/Outdoor Medical Growers Bible by Jorge Cervantes states:

" Circulation and Ventilation fans will help control heat and humidity and keep them at proper levels. You can also use a dehumidifier to control humidity. An air conditioner is ideal to ""dial in"" temperature and humidity in warmer climates. Large drying areas may require a heater to raise temperature and lower humidity. Do not train fans directly on drying plants; it causes them to dry unevenly."

Jorge knows his shit... :leaf:


Active Member
and for personal experience.. the 24 hour darkness before inducing flowering does boost flowering a tad. If you give it a shot you will notice. :leaf:


Active Member
I just want to post something I was reading to add to the debate here about Domes Vs no dome etc.. here it is... Comes from

"When spraying the clones with water make sure you spray the inside of the dome and the base of the cloning tray. Fresh cuttings need high humidity to encourage root growth.

Now place the dome on the cloning tray with the new clones inside.

Leave the light on 18 hrs per day for cloning. Try to give the clones as much light as possible. More light makes clones root faster."


Well-Known Member
Actually clones don't need alot of light bud. Your actually supposed to keep them out of real strong light . don't know where you got that but your wrong
Wattage wise........not duration. Mine are 24/7 just low watt. I'm sure someone thinks different but it's worked for me for a while now. I think consistency is more beneficial.........same temps same light same watering, ect........


Active Member
Actually clones don't need alot of light bud. Your actually supposed to keep them out of real strong light . don't know where you got that but your wrong
Thanks for the info.
I was actually just passing on an article about domes from grow weed easy .com
I have literally no experience cloning so I appreciate your advice on lights. It's interesting you said that because I got the feeling my lights were too strong so I switched to a blue-ish veg only spectrum. Anyways, it's my first go. I used a dome for a few days but noticed the stems looked like they were rotting or becoming necrotic in some way, so I took the lid off to scale back the humidity. I was thinking I'd lost all 7 as the leaves were turning yellow and beginning to die but then on day 12 yesterday... Bam. Saw my first roots. I'm in rockwool.