Mother plant flowering and won't stop


Hi guys I'm debating on what to do with my mother plant. I've got her in a closed grow room on her wn under 24 hurs of light but it is still flowering. It was only just tarting to flower when I got it and I have it under a 300 w giant energy saving lamp with canopy. It looks really healthy but it's not growing any fresh sprigs without flowers for me to cone! It's been under for 2 weeks now and I was told it would revert back under 24hrs of light but no joy!
Should I leave it longer, can u also take clones of branches with flowers, I read on a forum to cut them off?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated :shock::hug:


Active Member
i think you should just let it flower, what ever the problem is im sure its not gonna fix itself at this point.


Active Member
had the same problem with my first mickymouse grow. ended up flowering it, atleast the smoke will comfort you when you put out for new cuttings or seeds :P

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
you say you "got it" while it was flowering. did you purchase it as a clone, or a buddy gave it to you or what? if somebody gave it to you, it might be an autoflower plant, and there aint shit you can do. any cuttings will flower at the same time as the parent plant.