Mother Plant Looking Ill Please help

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member

Thanks for reading and helping.

My mother plant seems to be suffering from some kind of deficiency.

Starting at the bottom, leaves seem to be losing some of there color and then pin prick holes appear as bits of the leaf seem to fin then dry.

I put a few pics in and here is some information about my grow.

Plant : ICE, 5 Weeks from Clone, Toped twice.

System: DWC, Water Temp 19c, PH 5.5 to 5.9, EC 0.9

Roots are looking good, I thought they might have got a little rot in the first week, but they seem to have gotten over it and are now a nice white color. I also over nuted in the second week, I quickly corrected the mistake but there was a little burn on the tips of a couple of leaves.

Light: 125WATT CFL (To be changed to 400MH very soon).

Room: temps, night 21c day 23c, Humidity 60% to 70%


Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member
Canna Vega.

I used the same feed in my last two crops. although the bottle was first opened nearrly 5 months ago, and has been kept out of the light.