Mother Plant-Specific Nutrients And General Care/Maint.

Add my Raw silica and fulvic acid and a little mollasses and lm a happy grower, silica toughens them up real good. Bugs dont bother them as bad, l believe it anyways.
Think lm going with Canna Pro, seems to be more for money

Their silica is extremely overpriced as well. It's silicon dioxide from diatoms as in finely powdered diatomaceous earth and is not completely water soluble like potassium silicate is. It's basically been ground into very fine powder like flour. It's been used as an anti caking agent for decades. It's not some new thing that a scientist in RAW's marketing material came up with. You can buy a couple pounds of food grade for under $10 on Amazon.

RAW prices are completely insane. It appears their marketing strategy is to convince people that what they're selling in those little foil bags is better than anything else and they have a scientist in a white lab coat in their ads to try and convince people it is. It's not, it's the same. It just costs much more for the same thing.
Their silica is extremely overpriced as well. It's silicon dioxide from diatoms as in finely powdered diatomaceous earth and is not completely water soluble like potassium silicate is. It's basically been ground into very fine powder like flour. It's been used as an anti caking agent for decades. It's not some new thing that a scientist in RAW's marketing material came up with. You can buy a couple pounds of food grade for under $10 on Amazon.

RAW prices are completely insane. It appears their marketing strategy is to convince people that what they're selling in those little foil bags is better than anything else and they have a scientist in a white lab coat in their ads to try and convince people it is. It's not, it's the same. It just costs much more for the same thing.
Again food, agro or farmer's market will have 25kg bags £€$25/50

The molases sugar is the biggest rip off. 1kg bag of sugar should cost a few bucks £€$2-5 not 15+
Try it.

See if you can make a raw like regime using the basic good grade or farmer grade powders.

Or at least for a basket comparison.

Also buy a straight hydroponic ready 5-10-5 for £$€ few bucks compared to raw.

Why I have issues? I bought the molases and discovered it's exactly the same as Brown cooking sugar but 10x the cost.
Their silica is extremely overpriced as well. It's silicon dioxide from diatoms as in finely powdered diatomaceous earth and is not completely water soluble like potassium silicate is. It's basically been ground into very fine powder like flour. It's been used as an anti caking agent for decades. It's not some new thing that a scientist in RAW's marketing material came up with. You can buy a couple pounds of food grade for under $10 on Amazon.

RAW prices are completely insane. It appears their marketing strategy is to convince people that what they're selling in those little foil bags is better than anything else and they have a scientist in a white lab coat in their ads to try and convince people it is. It's not, it's the same. It just costs much more for the same thing.

Funny you say that.

A company in UK are repackaging farmer's powder as a maxi alternative for 2/3 the price.

Try it.

See if you can make a raw like regime using the basic good grade or farmer grade powders.

Or at least for a basket comparison.

Also buy a straight hydroponic ready 5-10-5 for £$€ few bucks compared to raw.

Why I have issues? I bought the molases and discovered it's exactly the same as Brown cooking sugar but 10x the cost.

It's just molasses powder.
I treat a mother like 7up: never have never will. I always feed them what I'm feeding my vegging plants.

I posted this awhile back in a different thread and didn't really get a response. I'm not deep into salt science, but this is what I observed:

In RAW's defense, I noticed that they recommend adding way smaller parts than most other lines. I don't know if that means the salts are more refined or if they're just honest about how much is actually needed. For example Kelp4less suggests 1/4 to 1/2 per gallon for their humic acid. Raw suggests 1/8 to 1/4. Kelp4less sales theirs for about half of the price as RAW. Interestingly enough, Kelp4less claims it's 80%. RAW claims only 59%, but states that it is derived from Leonardite, which is the most concentrated form. I can't find a source for Kelp4less.

So really in this instance they seem to be about the same price, but RAW isn't pushing up your EC nearly as much.
I treat a mother like 7up: never have never will. I always feed them what I'm feeding my vegging plants.

I posted this awhile back in a different thread and didn't really get a response. I'm not deep into salt science, but this is what I observed:

Can probably refine some but the basic NPK are not . Once they are mixed, created they are set. There isn't many options to use for different concentrations of raw materials. Other than mix them down.
Question should be asked before deciding what to feed mum's.

How often do I want to take cuts.?

If only 8/9 every month then little is more but for a commercial mum that's cloned as soon as she has shoot's full veg with stims don't overlook PK in a feed because they help keep stems and roots take quicker.
I feed my mothers a weak 1/4 strength solution until I know I need clones soon, then I jack up their nutrients and prune them, then they really take off and I have quality clones in a week or two. I also spray them every two weeks with silica/neem and on off weeks with fulvic/seaweed/chitosan---just to ward off any PM development-. I've never had it in my mothers before. I also spray them with aspirin water a day or two before taking the cuttings. I use age old grow to keep them going, then give them maxigrow when I want to clone.
OK so do u give ur mother nutrients before u take cutting can u tell me what I do before I do the cuttings cause I have never done cuttings before well I have ones in the dome under a 2x24w floro light in a tent but I made that cut bit high which I've got that sused now but I need to learn everything to do the best job I can so yeah just some pointers please
You definitely want to get those mums into tiptop shape before cuts if possible. I'd do a good solid feed a few days before, maybe a foliar with some kelp, etc. I use Photo+ in my foliars as well as silica and fulvic. Whatever your regime, you're looking to push their health up so they store the energy to send out those roots. Give them love the week before. ;-)