Mother saw 24+ darkness - can I still clone her??

Equipment malfunction left my mother in darkness for approx 24-48 hours. She is sitting in light once again and doesn't look too bad - a little yellow on the tops but otherwise ok... Can I still use her to clone in the next day or two or do I have to start all over with new mother?


Well-Known Member
if it was me id put back under vegatative lighting for afew days then clone , you should be fine


Well-Known Member
Just ride it out hopefully she won't go hermaphrodite. I've read on here several times about power outages, and people usually say a couple days of darkness then back to regular light schedule doesn't effect the plant.

dr. greenthumbz

Well-Known Member
ur all good jus giv er a day er 2 to git her back up to par. then chop away. if its a mother plant it is used to stress anyways since ur takin clones from it all the time. u gotta give her more than sum darkness to fuk her up.

trichlone fiend

New Member
..yes. You can clone from a plant at any stage (veg/bloom, no matter), as long as it is still alive. However, cuttings from a flowering plant will take longer to root.


Active Member
I wouldn't clone just yet. I would wait a few weeks as you may have stressed the plant. Remeber that your cutting will never be healthy and more vigirous than the mother was at the time the cutting was taken. I would wait until you are 100% positive that your plant isn't stressed. If it is, you will be getting shitty clones and further stressing your plant.


Well-Known Member
I had a simular experence but I waited a week. I clone alot but ita large area, and you can clone a flowering plant.