

Active Member
Today I told my mom "I've smoked pot on several occasions and enjoyed it, I don't do it excessively or even regularly but I will most likely do it again and continue too. I am growing 2 plants, mostly as an personal experiment, but also because I don't like to associate with the drug dealers in our town."
Her reply was "Well since you like grass so much, you won't have a problem mowing the lawn, right?". Her joking around might make you think she's ok with it, However she's not, I know she's not but she refuses to say anything about it because we are both Non-confrontational people. Later I found out she developed a migraine and was not hungry all day (signs that she's really stressing out) I want her to talk about it with me, but I don't want to bring it up too much or she might get the wrong impression about the importance of marijuana in my life, which is akin to a minor footnote in my list of occasional vices. I really don't know how to deal with this.

What was it like when you told your family/loved ones? How did they react, how did you make them feel better if they didn't react well?


Well-Known Member
you dont tell them, infact what you did was good. then next time tell her your tired of doing that stuff, that way she wont be shocked if she ever catches you but at the same time she will think your not really that into it anymore and it was just experimentation. that way she will not feel bad, and niether will you

now go mow the grass:mrgreen:


Active Member
I started smoking at 17, gave it up through college (only for the sake of sports) and started up again when I graduated and stopped playing Baseball. I would argue that very few kids under about 18 can handle smoking pot on a regular basis and still maintain a decent GPA, stay athletic, find a girlfriend, go to church, remember peoples birthday's, heck, remember anything.. You know, all those other things you do when you're growing up that can disappear if you get addicted to any individual one of them. It sounds like you have a balance in your life and you're enjoying, responsibly, each of your loves.

Marijuana is not a vice... addiction is... avoid that in anything from drugs and alcohol, sex, money, work, sports... and you're parents will respect you as you grow older. How your parents think about you at 18 or 20 is irrelevant to how they will see you at 30 or 40 when you have your own wife and children.

By the time I was 25, my father actually approached me to smoke some pot because he never had in his whole life. It was one of the most memorable times in my life (he almost blacked out and thought he was going to die... ahhh, regardless of age, noobies are noobies, and how we love em).

I would agree with Panda Bear. Be an adult, make adult decisions, and don't force your parents to share your opinions, prove to them through action that you deserve their respect. I said that "few" young people can handle it, I know plenty of people still in highschool that can "ENJOY" and not "addict." I was not one of them at that age, it took me a few years and I am glad I focused down on other things for a while. Now marijuana is a joy, not a need, and that's why God put it here.

Show your parents through your actions, not tell them. It will take time, but eventually your parents will ask, "hey, you don't smoke pot anymore do ya?" and you can respond with an enthusiastic, "of course I do."

It will confuse them because they probably think everyone who enjoys marijuana is a stoner (and I bet most smokers are just worthless stoners). Doesn't sound like you are a stoner, just someone who respectfully and responsibly enjoys marijuana.

Unfortunately, I do have to add, that if you are currently living in your parents home, please do not grow weed inside their house or on their property without their permission, it makes all of us look bad :) and this will NOT help your cause. Also, if you're living in their home and they expressly tell you NOT to smoke marijuana, you should do the right thing and comply. Believe me, once you're out on your own, they will respect you more for your decisions, and hey, they just might come to you some day and ask the same question my father did.

My mother on the other hand was a product of the 60's and has some great LSD stories, so she's a little more understanding than my pops was. My pops however, grew up thinking Reefer Madness was a legitimate look into marijuana. My actions over the course of a 10 year period convinced him otherwise.

And hey, you've got a lifetime, use it all.


Well-Known Member
how sweetof us, see cops, us druggies are the good people.:mrgreen:


I smoke crack
I grind smack
I tote gat
I sag slacks
I keep stacks
I hit back
I bitch slap
Im on the track
I smoke packs
I think Im black
If my rhymes whack
I have a fall back:blsmoke:


Active Member
Thx... it's funny, I've found growers are some of the most together people I've met since I started... How unfortunate to be so underground :(



Cato Zen

Active Member
There are a thousand different reasons to protect your grades and your reputation. You'll have to be extremely devious and sneaky(read: stealthy.) That's if you really wanna explore the dark side. give it time. experience is a great teacher. If you really feel called to explore the outlaw culture find a teacher... a sponsor, someone who is more experinced than you. Look for wisdom and knowledge, not popularity. Keep your values and integrity straight. Even outlaws have honor. We're not robbing banks here. The golden rule works well as a foundation value. Do unto others as you would have them do you. As for the parent thing... i got caught smoking pot in High Scool and promptly left home... my family was very strict Morman. Good for financial upbringing, bad for smoking and drinkin'LOL. This earl act af definance pushed me down the outlaw treail, where eventually I landed in prison. Now you can learn from my mistake or you can ignor the trail sign and go ahead and walk off that cliff. Your choice... Live Long