mould or powdery mildew


Well-Known Member
hi guys,

i let my grow tent get too humid and had to chuck one of my plants due to bud rot.
i have since put a full size oscillating fan in and dropped rh to 50%

some of the baby plants seem to have what looks like powdery mildew.

what does this look like to you guys?
it wont rub off with my hands - the marks stay on the leaves?
If you're using hard water for your humidifier, it possibly is calcium residue . My little ones sometimes get like that if I let the RH stay high without circulation
it seems its aphids. fuck
i found one under the leaf. a little white / green see through bug.
fuckers are eating my leaves

will canola / neem oil work?​
Neem oil, insecticidal soaps, and horticultural oils are effective against them . Be sure to follow the application instructions provided on the packaging. You can often get rid by wiping or spraying the leaves of the plant with a mild solution of water and a few drops of dish soap.

Or you can fight insect w. Insect. Ladybugs, oh yeah.
ok guys,
i made a 5 litre bucket of neem / canola oil mix.
it was quite sickening.

i then flipped each plant upside down and proceeded to push them into the bucket whole.
submerging all the leaves for about 30 seconds for each plant.
then let them drip dry.

for my large flowering plant i used my hands and tried to rub the oil all over every single leaf.

they are all back in my tent with the fans running at max. lights off until tomorrow.

do you think it will work? :D
How many times should I use the neem or canola oil? More than just once? Every few days maybe?
I used it everyday when I had an infestation. Even when you think they are gone, keep treating because they are likely still there. And Neem Oil doesn’t stay on the plant, once it dries, it’s done working so you have to make sure you actually spray the pests in order for it to be effective. Just spraying here and there will not rid your tent of them. And they will spread to other plants. So keep treating and let us know how it works for you. Other people may suggest other products too that you may want to try, as neem oil smells like a corpse’s vagina.