Mouldy Weed can kill you


Well-Known Member
but on another note SMOKING ANYTHING is harmful to your lungs and your breathing functions so i mean its kind of a double edge sword EVEN WITHOUT MOLD i guess thats why they invented the vaporizer


New Member
yes.... but cig's ARE inspected. They are controlled. weed will eventually follow that business model...or it won't happen at all.

Being able to tax it efficiently is the other reason why it will follow cig's and NOT personal cultivation. $$$$


yes.... but cig's ARE inspected. They are controlled. weed will eventually follow that business model...or it won't happen at all.

Being able to tax it efficiently is the other reason why it will follow cig's and NOT personal cultivation. $$$$

another reason being that tobacco/alcohol is america's top business


Well-Known Member
man i can just imagine what walking into a store full of weed would be like if it was legal, id probably be like dave chapelle on half baked and straight up nut myself lol ... indicas here, sativas there mmmmm just imagine the selection youd have i definitely wouldnt grow anymore id just buy it!


Well-Known Member
man... i think id own a weed store, cus honestly can you think of a weed store that wouldnt be jam packed from open to close? youd have stoners in there for hours at a time tryin to decide which strain to get lmao
how many "peer reviewed scientific studies" can you point me to in general on cannabis?

kiss-ass with your attitude... I dont need to prove my point... idiots will still continue to believe that moldy buds are okay because they havent had a study, who's wording they probably couldnt get a good grasp on anyway, thrown in their face to say its not a good idea.

if you would like, you can dig through my posts and find the links i've posted (at least twice) on the topic at hand..... or you could use the greatest library known to human history, and google it.... self taught is still okay ;)
here is 67 to start with, top hit on 'the greatest library known to man'.

And please stop with your cheap straw man tactics. I never said moldy buds are ok. Not once. You don't even know what you are arguing.
67 Peer-Reviewed Studies on Marijuana
Medical Studies Involving Cannabis and Cannabis Extracts (1990 - 2009)


here is 67 to start with, top hit on 'the greatest library known to man'.

And please stop with your cheap straw man tactics. I never said moldy buds are ok. Not once. You don't even know what you are arguing.
67 Peer-Reviewed Studies on Marijuana
Medical Studies Involving Cannabis and Cannabis Extracts (1990 - 2009)

i know exactly what i'm arguing... i'm arguing that i dont have any reason or obligation to prove anything to anyone... you cite less that 90 studies, in less than the last 20years.... cannabis has been used for thousands of years as medicine; so compared to other medicines of its age, the "scientific evidence/studies" are few and very recent. we are moving in the right direction lately, but still stands that as a medicine, the "scientific" studies are not there yet.........

regardless..... fuck off and go pick a fight with someone else:leaf:
You started it buddy, I merely defended my position.

For anybody else intersested in advancing real knowledge, here is an article about the Oakland 'pot lab', Steep Hill Lab.

some interesting quotes:
"The Oakland laboratory, started in 2008 by two former growers, has tested 12,000 pot samples to assure marijuana businesses that their product isn't tainted by dangerous toxic molds or pesticides."

"No state rules in California require medical marijuana be tested. While few pot businesses want a rap of toxic weed, no inspection regimen ensures they remove tainted products.Steep Hill Lab says 3 percent of the pot it tests has unsafe mold levels under general guidelines for herbal products. Eighty-five percent shows traces of mold."

Dr. Donald Abrams, chief of oncology at San Francisco General Hospital and a researcher in state-funded studies on marijuana's usefulness for chronic pain, said most medical pot in California is safely grown and poses no health risk.
"That whole story of people getting fungal infections from inhaling marijuana is a old wives' tale," he said.


New Member
I have also heard of fatalities with moldy weed...and GG can back me up on this,.... I started a thread on it.

By the way.... 3% is not an acceptable level of cleanliness. This is going to ppl with health problems! Right?

So 3 sick ppl out of 100 are getting bad weed. Not acceptable.


I have also heard of fatalities with moldy weed...and GG can back me up on this,.... I started a thread on it.

By the way.... 3% is not an acceptable level of cleanliness. This is going to ppl with health problems! Right?

So 3 sick ppl out of 100 are getting bad weed. Not acceptable.

the link in my post above this one of yours is the article from "chest journal" (for lung doctors) about the most documented death from moldy weed.....
as i've stated all over the forum, the guy cited had immuno-deficiency issues, in this case due to a marrow transplant, but yeah..... he FUCKING DIED FROM MOLDY WEED..... still not saying it will KILL a healthy person, but from personal experience with moldy shwag, (and just a little bit of common sense coupled with mold remediation experience down here in NOLA), but it DAMN SURE WILL give even the healthiest of people (the majority of the time) SOME type of respiratory infection.... ranging from mild and short, to severe and chronic.......

but thats just my opinion after experiencing/seeing it for over 10years..... its not "peer reviewed"..... although most of my "peers" knew that i was fuckin sick at the time; or sometimes were sick themselves, with the same issues......

smoke your mold people:eyesmoke:..... I used to know guys back in highschool that valued the moldy weed higher than regular...... called it "penicillin weed" b/c of the bluish tint, and swore it got them higher....... to each their own i suppose:blsmoke:


New Member
GG.... I just posted this on another thread to illustrate some of the crazy stuff i have heard ppl doing with weed... I was asked if there was any validity to birth control pills and making fem's... so I posted this response.

Have you heard or remember this gem? :wink:

Back in the 70's .... and this was in books now....ppl would swear that if you moistened ur weed a bit and put it in a coffee can and BURIED it for about 3 weeks.... a mold would grow on it (no sh*t), and this mold would increase the potency by at least three times!!!


GG.... I just posted this on another thread to illustrate some of the crazy stuff i have heard ppl doing with weed... I was asked if there was any validity to birth control pills and making fem's... so I posted this response.

Have you heard or remember this gem? :wink:

Back in the 70's .... and this was in books now....ppl would swear that if you moistened ur weed a bit and put it in a coffee can and BURIED it for about 3 weeks.... a mold would grow on it (no sh*t), and this mold would increase the potency by at least three times!!!

the original idea, i was less than being thought of at that point..... but i DID see a thread on it here earlier in my RIU career.... but thankfully, it was (i believe) shot the hell down like a hot air balloon in modern combat:lol:....

It still amazes me how people that dont grow KNOW so much about growing..... I had to bite my tongue a couple o months back.... had an aquaintance tellin me all about the nail in the stalk, hanging upside down after harvest to let the "thc drip down", and boiling the roots after harvest...... and he KNEW all this:lol:


New Member
:lol: yah.... it's incredible.... Dr. G made reference to the nail thing(not to do it...but that it was crazy).... and I couldn't even figure out what he meant....I was my mind.... why....he can't mean a nail...:lol: I just figured I had smoked too much and my mind was all gone....nail/ did he say nail? in what?


:lol: yah.... it's incredible.... Dr. G made reference to the nail thing(not to do it...but that it was crazy).... and I couldn't even figure out what he meant....I was my mind.... why....he can't mean a nail...:lol: I just figured I had smoked too much and my mind was all gone....nail/ did he say nail? in what?

in the stalk man!!!:mrgreen:..... most of these rumors about growing pot are perpetuated by goofy, younger cats that have never grown a plant in their life, muchless a cannabis plant....... and we wonder why more people dont actually grow..... I'd wager that they've "tried", using all of the "advanced techniques" that they "know"/heard, and have deemed it to be an undertaking for people of more "expert" status:lol::lol::lol:..... which leads me to why i LOVE places like RIU..... its nice to have a group of (mostly) knowledgeable people, who dont mind attempting to tear apart many of the "known" growing tips/tricks.


Well 2 weeks ago I vaporized an old pack of weed I had stored airtight for 3 months I was away. The weed was bad shwag to begin with when I bought it at the beggining of the year. When I came back the already grinded stuff looked sort of the same it did before, it was really hard to tell if it was normal or not. I smoked a few times and had a weird sensation, but I dismissed it, since, thats what you get from weed anyway. I finally threw it away since the effect was making me think I there was something wrong with it. At the same time I'm very prone to anxiety on weed. So I didnt know what to think. Its been a bit more than a week now since I last vaporized and I'm worried some fungi is living on my lungs because Ive been having a bit more pleghm than usual, and its a bit gray. Could this be fungus or Im I just paranoid. I feel basically alright apart from a mild headache which could easily be unrelated. Could the fungus get to my brain somehow? I doubt it. I found this on Aspergillus on Wikipedia. Im sure if I had some infection I would have a bit of fever at least, or chest pain.

Aspergillus fumigatus is a fungus of the genus Aspergillus, and is one of the most common Aspergillus species to cause disease in immuno-compromised individuals.
A. fumigatus is a saprotroph that is widespread in nature, typically found in soil and decaying organic matter such as compost heaps, where it plays an essential role in carbon and nitrogen recycling. Colonies of the fungus produce from conidiophores thousands of minute grey-green conidia (2–3 μm) that readily become airborne. For many years A. fumigatus was thought to only reproduce asexually, as neither mating nor meiosis had ever been observed. However, in 2008 it was shown that A. fumigatus possesses a fully functional sexual reproductive cycle, 145 years after its original description by Fresenius.[1]
The fungus is capable of growth at 37 °C/99 °F (normal human body temperature), and can grow at temperatures up to 50 °C/122 °F, with conidia surviving at 70 °C/158 °F—conditions it regularly encounters in self-heating compost heaps. Its spores are ubiquitous in the atmosphere and it is estimated that everybody inhales several hundred spores each day; typically these are quickly eliminated by the immune system in healthy individuals. In immuno-compromised individuals such as organ transplant recipients and people with AIDS or leukaemia the fungus is more likely to become pathogenic, over-running the host's weakened defenses and causing a range of diseases generally termed aspergillosis.
When the fermentation broth of A. fumigatus was screened, a number of indolic alkaloids with anti-mitotic properties were discovered.[2] The compounds of interest have been of a class known as tryprostatins, with spirotryprostatin B being of special interest as an anti-cancer drug.
A. fumigatus grown on certain building materials can produce genotoxic and cytotoxic mycotoxins such as gliotoxin.[3]

Im also fortunately not inmunocompromissed


Active Member
that sucks taozen, sorry to hear about that. i wouldn't worry unless things start getting worse. i remember getting a schwag sack at the beginning of the year from my dealer (who normally was on point with his shit) and it looked kinda weird, almost like a blueish green tint to it and smelled like straight bleach. he said he'd been smoking it for a week and hadn't had any complaints so i figured it was straight, plus i couldn't find any other bud so I smoked it. About a day or two later i was coughing like i i had phlegm in my chest but never got any up and was kind of worried but that went away shortly after. I guess i got some moldy bud that someone tried to fix by spraying bleach onto it. didn't get any major problems from it, just a minor cough but it was still sketchy...sketchy for him to sell that shit and stupid for me to smoke it. oh well live and learn....