Mountain goat kills hiker


Global Moderator
Staff member
Bizarre stuff here, I've never heard of this before, but Damn those horns are black daggers & Goat are deadly with them.

Mountain Goat Suspected in Hiker's Death at Olympic National Park!

October 18, 2010 06:19 PM EDT

A mountain goat is suspected in a hiker’s death at Olympic National Park. After the mountain goat allegedly harmed the hiker, the 63-year-old man was taken to Port Angeles hospital to be evaluated. The hiker died from wounds inflicted by the mountain goat, just hours after arriving at the hospital.
How would a mountain goat kill a hiker? Was the goat being harassed? It seems strange to have an attack from a deadly attack from a mountain goat, versus a snake or a bear!
The park service of Port Angeles explained that Robert H. Boardman, the hiker, was “hurt Saturday as he hiked near the park's Klahhane Ridge and died hours later at a Port Angeles hospital."
The Peninsula Daily News, explained that Boardman had stopped with his wife, and a friend for lunch at the overlook. The mountain goat approched them, and then became aggressive. Next, Boardman shooed him away.
When the hiker and women were leaving Olympic National Park, he was when attacked by the mountain goat. The vicious animal gored the hiker in the thigh. “The animal then hovered over Boardman as he lay bleeding.” Isn’t it strange that the goat would kill someone, and then revel in his killing. Do you think the goat had rabies, maybe?
An off-duty park ranger tried to get the goat to go away, but he stayed looming over Boardman even after he threw rocks at him and shook a safety blanket at the goat.
The park rangers found the mountain goat that was responsible for the hiker’s death and killed the animal. Very bizarre occurrence to have a mountain goat kill a hiker!


Well-Known Member
lol i just read this one too...that killer goat hardbodies some old dude..then stands over him so people can't help him



Global Moderator
Staff member
lol i just read this one too...that killer goat hardbodies some old dude..then stands over him so people can't help him

I've taken a few of these with a rifle & can tell you they are some tough mothers. Altho the meat is fantastic to eat.
Maybe he figured it was payback time.


Active Member
i have to chuckel at your signitures on the bottom of your post. why dont you have the guy who asked how come his seed keeps coming up. he kept pushing dirt over it but everyday it was back up out of the dirt again
it is a total shame that he had to die from a bizzar accident even worse that his family and friends had to watch it happen. my heart goes out to them


Global Moderator
Staff member
i have to chuckel at your signitures on the bottom of your post. why dont you have the guy who asked how come his seed keeps coming up. he kept pushing dirt over it but everyday it was back up out of the dirt again
it is a total shame that he had to die from a bizzar accident even worse that his family and friends had to watch it happen. my heart goes out to them
Must have missed the guy with the "seed that wouldn't stay down" thread.
Crazy incident to be sure, if I had to guess I'd say the Billy was in rut and they can get pretty cranky at this time of year.


Well-Known Member
lol I never though mountain goats were that big.
I wouldn't go near that thing either unless I had a gun.


Global Moderator
Staff member
I guess this is
When Animals attack week.

Florida woman attacked by flying fish still hospitalized

By Jennifer Lebovich | Miami Herald

A 46-year-old woman injured after a flying fish attacked her as she kayaked in the Florida Keys on Sunday remains hospitalized in serious but stable condition, a hospital spokeswoman.
Karri Larson had a collapsed lung and was taken by helicopter to Jackson Memorial Hospital. She remained in the intensive care unit on Tuesday.
The attack occured as Larson and a friend were kayaking in the mangrove islands off Big Pine Key when a fish jumped out from the shallow water and its long, pointed snout punctured Larson's back.

Unfortunately this isn't true - flying fish do not have a long beak, what she was probably hit by was a Hound fish. They look much like a needle fish but can get much bigger.

And yet another.
Barracuda jumps into kayak, bites woman in Fla.

By Associated Press
Monday, October 18, 2010 -

KEY WEST, Fla. — A woman is hospitalized after being bitten in the chest by a barracuda while kayaking in the Florida Keys.

The Coast Guard says the 45-year-old woman and a male companion were kayaking Sunday evening near Big Pine Key when the fish jumped into the vessel and bit her.
The man told emergency dispatchers that he could not row the two-person kayak to shore without causing further harm to the woman.

The Coast Guard says paramedics administered first aid to the woman, who appeared to have suffered a possible punctured lung and broken ribs.
The woman was transported to shore and flown to a Miami hospital in stable condition.


Well-Known Member
WHAAAT? lol that's some sick shit...bitten in the chest by barracuda possible punctured lung and broken ribs...


Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Fuck goats....he was NOT fucking around. And fish are pissed about all that oil. Pay back. One at a time....sea animals and land animals will soon be coordinating.