

Well-Known Member
damnit! i found a small hole on the bottom of my grow bag with a lil dirt spilled out onto the tray. at first i thought i may have made a mistake and snagged it on something when putting the plant back under the light (from watering it).

then i noticed it appears a mouse is in my grow area and the lil fukker got in there!

he didnt seem to get to the roots...just ripped the back and some loose soil came out. i tape'd up the hole and set out a sticky trap with a dash of peanut butter in the middle of it and set it right in front of the plant. however he doesnt seem interested since its been 24hrs and still no cigar (ie. still no caught mouse)

ive never had a mouse in my grow area before. how do i get rid of him without just getting frustrated and literally move everything out of my grow? im not even sure how he got in lil bastard lol


Well-Known Member
Get 2-3 traps and wedge bread or pumpin seeds in the bait holder. They can be clever but hunger gets the better of them.


Cheese or peanut butter in either a small live trap or a snap trap. Please don't use the glue traps! Horribly cruel, and a mouse's cries can actually draw more mice.


Well-Known Member
I had one in my old cellar once. That gave me the luxury of being able to try and shoot it. Don't try it. They are fast little fuckers and you'll have blown your own foot off before you even get close.
Also, don't use pesticides (rodenticides). The trouble is, they work slowly and the mouse will find somewhere quiet to die (then stink the place out).
If, however, you do go down that route, get 2" tubes and plant the pesticide up them. It keeps other animals (cats etc away).
I would agree with the mousetrap and cheese, chocolate or peanut butter. Placement is important. Remember mice are shy and will run around hugging walls and sneaking into tight spots. If you put it in the middle of an open floor, you have no hope. Make sure your wires stay safe! They will gnaw at them.
Finally, are you absolutely sure you have a correct Identification of the problem? Have you seen it? Unlikely as they are nocturnal. Have you seen droppings?
If it's a large rat, a mousetrap is barely even going to annoy it.
Conversely, rat-traps aren't that effective on mice. There is a product called a T-Rex that will do both.
Good luck mate.


Well-Known Member
Be patient. If the mouse hears you around, they won't come out. They like dark more than light, and quiet.
(They have REALLY good hearing)
The peanut butter in a trap will get him.


Well-Known Member
sorry my post was premature. surprisingly the sticky pad worked (w/ pb in the middle of it)

i put it out last night and today i seen he was caught. little bastard. at first like i said i thought i snagged the bag on some sharp object while moving it from where i water it to where it sits under the light but looks like my guess was right. it was a lil tiny mouse. not full grown imo. its the first one i seen though that didnt have a long tail. .


Well-Known Member
Mousetrap with peanut butter, another with a piece of raw bacon. Then wait.
I have better luck with the bacon. 5 days with PB, nothing. A couple of hours with bacon (slightly cooked) and SNAP!!!

Toss the trap along with the mouse. They can smell blood/death on the used trap and not approach it.



Well-Known Member
Cheese or peanut butter in either a small live trap or a snap trap. Please don't use the glue traps! Horribly cruel, and a mouse's cries can actually draw more mice.
Yeah I did that one time and it was freaking terrible. I switched straight over to using snap traps after. Glue traps have to be one of the most cruel ideas ever.


Active Member
lol i like you guys talking about how cruel a glue trap is... you would rather him be smashed in half at the stomach or break his neck... LOL that shits funny... :hump:


Active Member
lol i like you guys talking about how cruel a glue trap is... you would rather him be smashed in half at the stomach or break his neck... LOL that shits funny... :hump:
but then doesn't it stop the animal from suffering slow death? I used glue trap because traps were ineffective, sadly it is true, they do cry when stuck. After years of watching Mickey Disney crap I feel so bad killing them!!!!!


lol i like you guys talking about how cruel a glue trap is... you would rather him be smashed in half at the stomach or break his neck... LOL that shits funny... :hump: least that's a fast death. The glue traps make the mouse die slowly of starvation or dehydration. Especially if the person finding it just tosses it in the garbage with the mouse still alive. What a horrible death.


but then doesn't it stop the animal from suffering slow death? I used glue trap because traps were ineffective, sadly it is true, they do cry when stuck. After years of watching Mickey Disney crap I feel so bad killing them!!!!!
At least you kill them. A lot of people don't, and then the mouse suffers. I'm not one of those people who is against hunting for food or protecting your family/property/livestock from predators and pests, but I like it to be done humanely if possible. I'm a softie.


Well-Known Member
im just saying both ways are pretty "cruel" keep your shit clean and more than likely you wont get mice
dont blame me i keep my grow space as clean as possible. my problem is i share the area with someone else who is a complete slob. so im always cleaning up behind them to try and maintain a good level of cleanliness.

the mouse got in possibly from small gap i could see a mouse squeezing through.

yes when i found him on the trap he was still alive but i didnt know how i could "put him out of his misery" w/o feeling even more fucked up. i mean he was stuck to the trap...i felt the only ways to kill him was squash him or drowning him and both felt like a bad thing to do. so i didnt. i figure death from starvation isnt very painful (or so ive heard from the books i read/documentary i saw on death/dying/what its like to die by certain means)


Well-Known Member
dont blame me i keep my grow space as clean as possible. my problem is i share the area with someone else who is a complete slob. so im always cleaning up behind them to try and maintain a good level of cleanliness.

the mouse got in possibly from small gap i could see a mouse squeezing through.

yes when i found him on the trap he was still alive but i didnt know how i could "put him out of his misery" w/o feeling even more fucked up. i mean he was stuck to the trap...i felt the only ways to kill him was squash him or drowning him and both felt like a bad thing to do. so i didnt. i figure death from starvation isnt very painful (or so ive heard from the books i read/documentary i saw on death/dying/what its like to die by certain means)
That's fucked up dude, wouldn't you rather get stepped on instead of sitting there hungry for 3 days?