Moved my clones to my 400 watt room =D

Stoked!In the room in the daytime, under cfls when this room goes dark. Noticed the clones perking a bit (still don't know why the leaf on the other one is yellow though) but giving it some fish emulsion mixed in water gave it a little bit more color. 2013-10-14 08.45.52.jpg


Active Member
Try not to give your new clones nutes yet especially if your using soil with ferts already mixed..just my opinion...but I'm routing for ya
Nah talked to the guy. Its a mixed soil he made himself. No time rrlease nutes. Once a little bigger will transplant to bigger pot with organic soil


Well-Known Member
What strain is that? I'm doing a perpetual with many clones straight to flower, and I'm trying to figure out a strain that grows relatively short and tight. So far, my favourite for my setup (2L coke bottles) has been Jack Herer. I also like Chemdawg... it grows taller, but it doesn't branch out much.
