Moved to new house - Can cops bust me for old grow room?


Active Member
I just find it crazy that you own the home, are selling it , spent 3k$ to build a secret grow room , and have moved into a second home....... And can't come up with an idea or afford to redo the grow room into a finished attic or something that or demo the entire thing and put it back to original


Sector 5 Moderator
Very good info melungeonman, thank you.

I am flying back this weekend to complete the clean up, and was curiuos how far I need to go with it. Just a coat of paint, or complete destruction of the room. Sounds like somewhere in between. Will also try to make it look like a legal indoor garden by leaving some vegetable seed packets, and other legal grow things laying around inconspicuously. My neighbors saw me hydro growing various vegetables outside over the years, and knew I was a health nut. :)
You don't need to go crazy; all you have to do is remove any obvious MJ leaves left. Who's to say that you built the room? It's seriously doubtful that anything would ever be said about it, much less an issue made of it; it's not like they are finding used heroin needles all over. And welcome to RIU.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
I say torch the place. There's DNA all over that motherfucker. There's probably resin finger prints all over. If u don't want to burn that house down then I would consider hiring a crime scene clean up crew. There not related to the Leo usually, but will cost u 3 times what your super ventilation system cost u. A lot could go wrong here, person buys the house who's allergic to pot and dies. Now your looking at a murder charge. 50 grand latter after paying a layer and your bond a second on the new house just to shut the old lady up, cuz she said u fucked up her life. Now she's using all this against u just so she can fucking go shopping. We all know what could happen next.......


Well-Known Member
^^^^ that is horrible advice ..why would he burn his house down ??? ..hire a Csi crew ???? Wtf

I don't think u should ask for advice from paranoid stoners ...some people will really lead u off the deep end ..that said

I wouldn't worry ..It's not a public or government owned residence ..u own it's yours to do what ever u want ..even with the leaves and shit those dry up after a while they won't even be viable after a few months ..they'll be crispy ..

In some places people leave all types of shit in the house ,.lights ducting etc..people kno exactly what the house was used for ..after repairs nobody Cares ..and ur saying its a secret room in a attic ..I don't even see why the police would be at ur home ..even if the realtor or buyers ask ..u can say u bought the house like that simple ..nobody has to kno u built it ..ur giving urself away ..I would just clean it and not worry ..just a nice clean ..pine sol smell ..maybe mask the reflective walls and ur good to go

I wish I had enough money to buy a home with a pre built grow room ..


Well-Known Member
^^^^ that is horrible advice ..why would he burn his house down ??? ..hire a Csi crew ???? Wtf

I don't think u should ask for advice from paranoid stoners ...some people will really lead u off the deep end ..that said

How could you not read that and understand he was joking ? Really


Well-Known Member
Clean up all leaves and advertise to preppers. Very valuable addition to any home. Provides oxygen and humidification in winter. Allows gardeners to get early starts on veggies and winter harvest.