Moving 420 plants.


New Member
Hey there, you may or (most likely) may not remember my $1/gram grow I was aiming for.

My $1/gram grow is actually turning out really well so far, I started with ~540 seeds and ended up with ~430 plants.. I gave a few away to make the full 420 which I think is an amazing number. I normally do indoor grows and not on my own.. I now have the task of moving these plants ~300km to my main spot. Anyone know what the safest way of doing this is?

They will not fit in my truck (not even close), I was considering renting a giant u-haul. Anyone know how sketchy these things are? Loading them securely and unloading them is of no problem.. It's transportation. I wanted to wait until the G20/G8 was over. I was planning on having a scout truck in front looking for spotchecks/police as I need to leave a truck up there anyways.

I've actually had the situation where a indoor grow was transported overnight but I was not present and was not told how it was done..

Looking for feedback..

I will be editing this out once I get feedback I don't want some piggy to start checking u-hauls in my area..

I'll take pictures tomorrow actually, it will give you a better idea of how much room it takes. It was NOT what I expected.
Me and my brother rented a U-haul once to help him move to chicago. I'd say that would work perfect for you. As for the scout truck, have him drive behind you in case there is a cop car following you for any reason, so that he can get pulled over and not you. Other than that I think you'd be fine.


New Member
Interesting actually, i'll consider that.
I was going to order a police scanner on ebay, think it would be useful enough to warrant another ~$300.
If that makes you feel safer about the whole thing then go for it but otherwise I'd say it's no big deal haha, police aren't really looking to bust people driving u-hauls full of pot plants. Worst case scenario you get pulled over and you just tell the cop you're moving, he has no probable cause to search the truck. Just don't speed or anything and I'm sure you'll be fine bro.


A U-Haul has its own advantages and disadvantages for hauling weight. Firstly the police on major highways and interstates are on a perpetual look-out for drug traffickers, watching for anything suspicious. Make sure when you rent the truck that all your ducks are in a row, check the headlights, brake lights, turn signals, etc to be sure they all work properly. Something as small as the light above the license tag (license plate) being burnt out can cause you to be pulled over. Be sure the vehicle is in excellent mechanical condition before you rent it, a bad air conditioner can tell you a lot about the maintenance of that truck. Fill the truck with gasoline before you load it, check your tire pressure, and have a cooler for beverages and a cup to piss in. DO NOT STOP!! For any reason! If you must stop for gas make it a fast stop. Have your route well planned and a number for a tow truck just in case. I've heard of people using tow companies to haul their loads as well, this is a bit different though since you cant hide your massive number of plants. I understand the value of having a driver in front of you, however I personally would prefer having someone on my six, preventing a cop from getting in behind me. If you have walkie talkies they would be very valuable. Good luck man!


Well-Known Member
yes. have someone behind you. that is way better than in front. i moved 7 plants in my lil car at night with no problems. go the speed limit and drive PERFECTLY. that is key. you could probably stop but i wouldnt. you never know. 420 vegging plants will REEK.