Moving for cannabis?

The Count

Well-Known Member
About 7yrs ago I went out and bought a $400 burton, bindings, boots and everything. Opening day I head up the the mountain whose been boarding for years and he gives me no instruction. I've used those plastic 100$ kick your feet in boards at a local resavore when I was a kid but never on a real mountain. Anyways his instruction is "follow me" Fell like 8 times just getting to the chair lift and knew I was in for some pain. Made it down a couple times(even though I shoulda had a concussion atleast 3 times over from smashing face first into the ground) and on my 3rd pass I saw a little dip kinda like a semi circle in the earth and thought alright lets see if I can get a little air. Well unfortunatley I hit the dip, as I came down board goes out from under me and cardinal boarding mistake... left arm goes down to brace my fall. BOOM! arm snapped in 4 places and when the Xrays arrived it looked like someone took a scalple and carved out a chunk of my bone that was completelty disconnected from my arm. The twisting moting combined with the hard impact caused the bone to just pop off. 2 weeks later I had a 6hour surgey that put a steel plate and 12 screws in my arm. I've been boarding since and will get into here in CO but I got a lesson and started on the bunny hill. Ill be taking my sweet little time and no way will I be hitting any jumps EVER. The downhill mt biking was sweet untill that first wipe out. I had confidence and was taking on jumps at good speeds but once I spilled ... buy bye confidence and no more jumps. My wife asked if she could go some time(shes the most unathletic person I know, grew up on a dairy farm) and I was like "Hunny I was a 3 sport athetlete and rode bike my whole life... I was scared for my life a good 25-40% of the time... you going down that mountain is a death wish!!

Speaking about back issues... I have a PARS fracture at L4/L5 thats causing some slipping... actually scheduled up for surgery next friday so hopefully everything goes well and the pain is taken care of without any problems.


Well-Known Member
On the bright side without boarding you wouldn't have a good reason for your medical marijuana prescription? ;)


Well-Known Member
seems to be a trend here...I moved out here from Ny just over two years ago to the springs to try to become a legit grower. I Make a whole lot less money then I was back east but I am content knowing that I dont have to look over my shoulder all day every day. I only knew one person when I moved here but was lucky enough to meet some of the guys here and made some friends in the course of my time here.

I did all this at the ripe old age of almost 40, restarting is never easy but you can do it.


Well-Known Member
Rock on BadAndy... i'm not the socialite so making new friends for me is the hard part of any kind of move like this. The rest is usually not a big deal i've lived some far away places from here :)