I am curious as to why people think they can move to Cal and make money growing pot. Great growers who have been at it for many years are bemoaning the fact the market is saturated with product and its getting harder to make a living, let alone get rich.
And thats before the feds cracked down on disps.
Im curious as to why smart ass people on here think they know EEEVERRRYTHING. Look dude I already have a very legitimate operation going, Im not moving to california to "MAKE A BUNCH OF MONEY GROWING POT" or even to do this on a larger scale, just a similar scale to what im doing here. I have a degree and a great job i dont need to do this for a living, this is a hobby, i told you i genuinely love the plant, it just happens to be a hobby i make a little extra cash on. But as i was saying, Im mainly moving out there for the quality of life, the weather, the beach, family .... i lived in oceanside from the time i was one to almost ten and have family all up and down the coast ..... this move doesnt soley revolve around pot dickhead.
and to the dude that LOL'd at this thread ..... you obviously have the wrong impression as well. and i know the bay area like the back of my hand my brother lives in san leandro, and has lived allll over the bay. get the fuck outta here. commie .....