Moving on 1200 Dual Spectrum in 8" Raptor

Week 6 has begun. And they are starting the fattening part which is the best and last part of growing. Tied up some more branches this week and i have a couple colas that are at least 6" :). Now they need to be 16" around haha.

Will post some pics here soon.

your friendly neighborhood stoner
Here are some pics from yesterday after tying up some branches still a few more to do today but most have been done.IMG_0335.JPG IMG_0336.JPG IMG_0337.JPG IMG_0338.JPG IMG_0339.JPG IMG_0340.JPG IMG_0341.JPG IMG_0342.JPG IMG_0343.JPG IMG_0344.JPG
Week 6 coming to a close this evening. Girls are looking good, have a couple more new branches to hang up tonight. Clones are doing ok, 1 looks normal the other 3 are kind of mutants but they are growing so I cant complain. Only 3 more weeks and i'm done this one. Think this next round im gonna put tomatoe cages in the pots so i can better control the spreading out of shit. Talk at you guys later.
Week 7 almost done update:

Tomorrow will mark the last day of week 7 and will also mark the last time the girls will be getting fed any nutes. Week 8 is going to be something I plan on harvesting labor day weekend but I might postpone until the following to let them run a full 9 weeks out. I will decide next friday after I look under my scope. The clones are doing good I have 3 mutants and 1 good one. The one good one i accidentally supercropped last night but she is recovering already as you can see, the one mutant dont know how has two tops now so yay for me, the other one could be same scenerio but i didnt bother to look under some leaves to see last night, and the third mutant is just that I think it will be ok once they get in the tent :). As for the other taller plant in the closet I was amazed because it literally felt like a small tree the trunk is so hard and all the branches are like stacked stacked with nodes the branches themselves really cant be bent they are stiff. I am assuming since this thing is like that I really dont wanna pull the plant out of that sp so I am going to still up pot but just put the 3gal sp inside my bigger pot ( not decided on since I am only going to be doing 5 total plants if I should go super tard and plant them in 10gal or just stick with 7gal I am leaning towards the later but time will tell...). ANY ways here are some pics of the closet first then in my other post will be all flower room pics.

Btw: this is my first time successfully cloning a plant so personal kudos to me.IMG_0359.JPG IMG_0360.JPG IMG_0361.JPG IMG_0362.JPG IMG_0363.JPG
Week 8 Pics (Night):

We are getting down to the wire and things are looking good, Very pleased with the results could of used more tying up but naaaa...This weekend I will be harvesting I will be having a busy labor day weekend with friends. I have scoped some spots around the jungle and things are looking good. I will take some pics before harvest and after looking forward to this soo much it has been only 3 months but it feels just as long as the 5 months I waited for the others. Anyways enjoy the pics they arent the greatest but you get the idea.IMG_0377.JPG IMG_0378.JPG IMG_0379.JPG IMG_0380.JPG IMG_0381.JPG IMG_0382.JPG
I have looked at the trichs on a couple of the dreams and the big one is ready to go this weekend , I think next weekend the others will be ready looks like they still have some maturing to do.
Weekend Update:

Harvested all 8 plants

Biggest Single Bud: 89.27g
Biggest plant: Not taken
Wet Weight:3000~3200
(Putting in off memory)
Dry Weight: 27~28 Zips.

Per Plant Average: 3.0~3.50ish

As long as im over 1.5 I am happy.

Things could of been done alittle better this go around but still pretty happy considering this is my biggest harvest to date doubling my previous , not to include any extracts (concentrates) that I get from this.

Pics will be posted, didnt take that many of harvest but still took some.

Smoke report and bud porn to come once all is dry.

Take away From this grow, I needed better branch conrtol over entire room ( some plants could of been better yeilders if I had tomatoe cages to control horzontial growth (Bushing out) ). I packed my room with as many 7 gal pots as I could and this was the result 8 nice sized dreams, still would of like to have 4 zips per plant average. Next go around only having 5 plants in the room, tomatoe cages are gonna be there and I will control the Bushing this time around.