Moving to Cali in 2 Weeks! 18yrs Old

fuck right
I live off hwy 9 in boulder creek
the roads are fuuuucked though.
and Castroville ain't too bad, I went to an artichoke festival there, got hammered..
got boobies.. some lovin
it was alright in my world
Castroville is ok during the artichoke festival i guess. Some really good restaurants, my buddy ran one of them. But is still a very very depressing town when you have to drive home through it all the time(santa Cruz to salinas) when i was working on ucsc for a couple years. I like moss landing because of the fishing.
fuck right
I live off hwy 9 in boulder creek
the roads are fuuuucked though.
and Castroville ain't too bad, I went to an artichoke festival there, got hammered..
got boobies.. some lovin
it was alright in my world
Oh hey bro, I've been meaning to ask you. How bad you guys got it this winter? Bad mudslides? I know i told you already, but i lived in Ben Lomand for the fucked up '82 storm.
Oh hey bro, I've been meaning to ask you. How bad you guys got it this winter? Bad mudslides? I know i told you already, but i lived in Ben Lomand for the fucked up '82 storm.
like the worst anyone has seen
I got old timers saying it's WAY worse than the early 80s storms
especially now because the roads are the same damn roads only 40 yrs later
and we have way more cars and trucks now too
I had to close shop for 2 days, couldn't get out of BC
hwy 9 was closed in five spots, bear creek was closed in three spots, summit, hwy 46, hwy 35, hwy 17..
it was ALL just clusterfucked
had no power for three days
lost four strains to botritus, sitting in the dark with no ventilation in 90% RH
like the worst anyone has seen
I got old timers saying it's WAY worse than the early 80s storms
especially now because the roads are the same damn roads only 40 yrs later
and we have way more cars and trucks now too
I had to close shop for 2 days, couldn't get out of BC
hwy 9 was closed in five spots, bear creek was closed in three spots, summit, hwy 46, hwy 35, hwy 17..
it was ALL just clusterfucked
had no power for three days
lost four strains to botritus, sitting in the dark with no ventilation in 90% RH
That sucks bro. Sorry to hear dude.
Any deaths? That was what really made it even more of a bummer in '82. We lived not far from Love Creek. My grandpa's buddy whatched his house slide away with his wife in it. My elementary school was shut down for about a month. That part was kinda cool, but yeah, my mom couldn't get to work either. Really bad shit. Wasn't even thinking about how many more heads live there now. Crazy shit dude!
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like the worst anyone has seen
I got old timers saying it's WAY worse than the early 80s storms
especially now because the roads are the same damn roads only 40 yrs later
and we have way more cars and trucks now too
I had to close shop for 2 days, couldn't get out of BC
hwy 9 was closed in five spots, bear creek was closed in three spots, summit, hwy 46, hwy 35, hwy 17..
it was ALL just clusterfucked
had no power for three days
lost four strains to botritus, sitting in the dark with no ventilation in 90% RH
My homie is in Lompico and said it's absolutely FUCKED.