moving to colorado springs


Active Member
Will be moving to Colorado springs in december. Wife is taking job in area. Looking for work has been tough. I work for a indoor garden store where we live now. And would like to continue with it there. Any suggestions or help would be awesome. Thanks


Well-Known Member
It is tough to find work in CS because the air force has so many personnel in the area.
Everywhere I went to apply had enlisted people working a second job.

Good luck, BigSteve.


Active Member
Thanks bigsteve. Hopefully something works out. I guess I better take what I can get. Any ideas on area to live


Well-Known Member
I found rentals to be cheap there. My brother and I split a nice 2 bedroom place on Uintah for $180 a month.
Good price at the time. There are tons of rentals but little to buy on a budget.

From friends I hear that many of the high tech jobs require stringent security clearances. Start thinking about
that before you stand there with a bottle in one hand and your dick in the other.

Good luck, BigSteve.


Active Member
Ya I'm assuming a while ago. And fortunately my wife has a great job. So no washing windows and pulling my pud. We have visited before and we think left of 25 is nice. Not sure how accurate we are. Anyone CURRENTLY in the springs or vicinity let us know if we're right. Don't know anyone but happy to meet new folks


Active Member
I just moved here to the springs about a month ago from the east coast and I am still looking for a full time job as I can only find tempary or seasonal jobs at the moment. I also worked in a garden/hydroponic store before and family owned nursury and still can't get a job working around plants here. This area has a lot of people coming and going so there are an extremely large amount of people applying for jobs here. Connections are a big plus too.All I say is good luck to u brother.


I found rentals to be cheap there. My brother and I split a nice 2 bedroom place on Uintah for $180 a month.
Good price at the time. There are tons of rentals but little to buy on a budget.

From friends I hear that many of the high tech jobs require stringent security clearances. Start thinking about
that before you stand there with a bottle in one hand and your dick in the other.

Good luck, BigSteve.
I live off Uintah and Circle, My rent is more than that by a long shot. I live in Fairhaven apt, what about yourself?