Moving to MI next month for work. I need to get a med card and......


Active Member
lawyer up a bit. I want to be able to grow for myself and a couple other patients. I have all my medical records showing degenerative disk disease, fused spine, and arthritis.

I want to be able to do it safely. I'll be in the Kalamazoo area.

If anyone knows a good lawyer that I can call, please let me know. I plan on eventually purchasing property so I need a lawyer that knows every detail of the MMJ laws.

Doctor too I suppose.

Thanks in advance,
I look forward to the move.
Read and understand the laws yourself. Then check with a local lawyer as to zoning and other locally related MMJ issues. Imho
Dr Crocker can suck on my fat sack. Don't see him. Go see Dr bob and the certification crew!! And u don't need a lawyer bro he'll go through everything u need to know bout getting started
Dr Crocker can suck on my fat sack. Don't see him. Go see Dr bob and the certification crew!! And u don't need a lawyer bro he'll go through everything u need to know bout getting started
is there something wrong with dr dave the people should know about? or is it your sucking a mouthfull of dr bobs nutsack
Wait, wait , wait, did you say you are moving TO michigan for work? TO MICHIGAN.....for WORK???? As in there is a place that employs people and they are moving you here to work? That is a rare statement.
all ill say is one of the things is, he's broken his hand i think 5 times, it also got infected once and it started to eat the bone away, and he has pain everyday of his life from it. He had all the medical papers too. If that alone isnt enough to get a med card....shit idk what is.
all ill say is one of the things is, he's broken his hand i think 5 times, it also got infected once and it started to eat the bone away, and he has pain everyday of his life from it. He had all the medical papers too. If that alone isnt enough to get a med card....shit idk what is.
did he get his card?
well, they dont DENY a card because of Dr Rec. They only deny cards because of paperwork errors,ie Missed Signatures, unchecked boxes, wrong amount sent in, unsigned checks ect. I have Yet heard of ANYone denied do to an improper drs rec. Are there some out there? Sure, but for those that have proper drs, and fill out the paperwork properly and send it all, in full, with the proper amount, the cards are approved.

LARA does not Evaluate each Patient for card Authorization, the can only enforce all paperwork is properly filled out, and the correct fees have been collected.
Ah I C. I took your reply as the state denied him due to this drs rec...

As a Dr, they have a professional license to maintain as we all know, and like anything, that can muddy things up. I have no Idea who this particular Dr is, but having worked in a Drs office, I can attest to the fact they can be fickle.
Wait, wait , wait, did you say you are moving TO michigan for work? TO MICHIGAN.....for WORK???? As in there is a place that employs people and they are moving you here to work? That is a rare statement.

I feel ya. No. I actually went there and got a shitty job so I could move. Pot is the only thing that helps with my disk pain, that kinda weird numb tingly pain that hovers around your ass and shoots down your leg. Haven't found a strain for arthritis yet. I can't afford to buy it so I want to grow.

Thanks for all the replies. Stay kool.
Check google for guy in kzoo apartment raided. His attorney helped him through one hell of a mess. he would be my suggestion.