Hi Alota! Just stopping by and checking progress. Trying to get some ideas for my next indoor run. I really like the way the Alien OG looks outside. Might want to run a few of those when my clones are ready. I cloned some Querkles and was going to run a full cab of those but might change my mind based on production. How do they produce/quanity ? The one I put outside will not produce much but an Azamax treatment slowed it down I think. The Alien is Phatt and produceing.I like the looks of it. We have a couple of landraces outside. One is solid purple. Almost black.The other one is purple to. I'll have some cuts of it and the tripple berry for you. My seedlings are finally getting big enough to get some cuts so theres that option to for next Run. I might go with some Querkles,Lanraces and Hindus on the next run inside.
In the Greenhouse we have 8-9 new plants flowering.The diesels are gone and half the Sativa is left to harvest. Between the 3 Diesels and Sativa half cut we have harvested a little over 7 #'s add the previous harvested Hindu and Tripple berry puts it up to 9.5 #'s. so far. Not a bad summer.
BUTttttttttt ! I really want to get a good indoor run finished if I could stop using the cab for drying in. LOL.
Oh yea! made 3 zipps of dry Ice hash too along with some ISO hash.
Hey can you show me a good picture of your Skywalker ?
Let's get together ?