video ??


Well-Known Member
So my buddy stops by after watching all the video and wants to build a Mr.greens system. I'm guessing at least most of you have seen it. All I have read says hydro is not as easy as he makes it look. I have only grown in dirt so I'm not much help. Can anyone add on to or coment on his video and problems we might run into, will his system work??? thanks for your input.


Well-Known Member
I like those vids, and will use them as a reference, but I don't really have anything as experience goes to contribute.

The Stig

Well-Known Member
well right now I have almost the same setup he has in my room, I have never grow on anything but hydro so I have no idea if its more complicated but I love it.. :blsmoke:

that a good beginner video, just remember that u want to build a system that works the best for YOU, so depending on the space, budget, etc... u will maybe need to change some things


Active Member
I am using mr greens drip system setup and so far it has been extremely easy in my opinion. Of course this is my first "real" grow so I dont have a lot of comparison, but eh i wouldnt call what I am doing hard or complicated. Try it out. :-):peace:


Well-Known Member
So my buddy stops by after watching all the video and wants to build a Mr.greens system. I'm guessing at least most of you have seen it. All I have read says hydro is not as easy as he makes it look. I have only grown in dirt so I'm not much help. Can anyone add on to or coment on his video and problems we might run into, will his system work??? thanks for your input.
I found that Video series and that's what convinced me I could do Hydro. Stig had it right when he said its a beginners grow but I am newb and just using the Mr Green basic set up and I am going to have a total of 6 tubs set up just like he has only for a bit larger scale but using the same concept. As far as difficulty if you like to tinker and you can spend ALOT of TIME AND MONEY$$$$$ its a blast. Good luck and GO Green

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Well-Known Member
Not to go against the norm here, but I wouldn't recomend starting with this type of system. I started this way, and had a few problems. It was a long time ago, and I have since realized what I did wrong, and laugh at myself for not being able to deal with the issues. Mainly it had to do with alge, root rot, ph issues, and simmilar problems.
Anyway, after starting this set up and failing, it set me a few steps back. If you are going from soil, I would actually recomend switching to Hempy buckets first. It's fairly similar to soil, only it's hydro. It doesn't involve any pumps or air stones or anything, and it's cheap. Doing Hempy buckets gives you the feel for hydro on a common 'soil' ground. It gives you the feel of mixing nutes, trying out different ones, different strengths, and the like. The benefit, is that it's alot more forgiving. If you fuck up the nutes or something, your much more likely to fuck up one plant rather than all of them.
Not to say that Mr. Green's system is hard, it really isn't, it just isn't too easy. My recomendation, start with Hempy Buckets for a grow or two, then switch over if you feel comforetable with it. But that's just my 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
thanks speccialkayme. I diden't want him to start with mr. g's the buckets sound like a good idea.


Active Member
shit i know im like real late here, but i was just wandering about the containers he has his plants in, i mean is there enough space for his roots, was the only think i was weary of.