Mr. Homegrown's DIY Soil and WW Grow

Mr. Homegrown

Well-Known Member
First time I tried to mix my own soil I had plenty of issues. Stuff would nto drain to save it's life (or the plants !!!). I was still fairly new to the game, and just didn't understand. I got a pathetic harvest. That forced me back to basics, and to start learning more. A number of years later, I am still learning ! I don't think it ever really stops. Always something new to learn about.
No I don't think it does. Not to mention our never ending quest for better bud. That's what led me over to the bubbleponics threads. Pretty sure that is going to be my next system. Even making my soil I still have to go to the grow shop, getting old. If I grow in water all I need is my nutz and I order them.

Boron huh ? Must say, heck of an idea to treat it. I probably would have looked for a nute supplement, and not even thought about crushed up pills.
I was really green then and was worried I was going to loose her. It was the only idea I could come up with. Panic attack lol.

Now with prop 215 on my side, I am able to attend monthly seminars on this subject. Able to attend classes and courses. We even have a trade school based on this business and it's called Oaksterdam. The ability to learn is endless if you have the will.
That would be awesome!! I would attend everything I could lol. My brother and sister in law live in Cali by Tracy. I had thought of relocating before. I couldn't handle southern cali, to much country in me, but I hear northern is beautiful.

But man, I am rambling. Sorry, stoned.

Best odor control I have found is Ona. Ona gel and a homemade odor bucket frickin works wonders. Even the Ona blocks were ok on small scale.

Personally, I love that smell, so I let them stink. The pro's of living out in the boonies in a pot friendly area. :joint:
That's ok, ramble on lol. Do you think it would work outside my grow box? I don't have the room inside.


Active Member
Mr. Homegrown;3480564]No I don't think it does. Not to mention our never ending quest for better bud. That's what led me over to the bubbleponics threads. Pretty sure that is going to be my next system. Even making my soil I still have to go to the grow shop, getting old. If I grow in water all I need is my nutz and I order them.
How true ! Always trying something new to get a better taste, or more trichomes, or more something !

Ya, I just recently tried out the bubbleponics for the first time myself. Just got my harvest this last weekend. Went great. Read a bunch beforehand, and luckily ran into almost no issues. I let them grow too big for the system, but that was me being greedy ! Its amazing how fast they grow in hydro vs. soil. Amazing ! A little more work in the long run, but well worth it.

Already getting ready to put in some new clones and start vegging again.

I was really green then and was worried I was going to loose her. It was the only idea I could come up with. Panic attack lol.
Was damn smart ! Like I said, I would have run to a hydro store to find something there. Probably would have paid 3x more for the same results !

That would be awesome!! I would attend everything I could lol. My brother and sister in law live in Cali by Tracy. I had thought of relocating before. I couldn't handle southern cali, to much country in me, but I hear northern is beautiful.
Must say, I am spoiled and it is great. I love it. The scene around here is getting more and more open about everything. I like it.

I hear ya. I am a cuntry boy born and raised. Grew up working on farms, working with cattle and other animals. Gave that stuff up, but am still country at heart. I don't like having a neighbor within shouting distance. I like space, land, outdoors, etc. Northern Ca is perfect for that. You can really get away if you know the right spots. And scenery is matched by none, but thats just my VERY bias opinion.

That's ok, ramble on lol. Do you think it would work outside my grow box? I don't have the room inside.
I am known to ramble away ! lol sorry about that. Don't want to clutter up your grow here too much.

And ya, check out Roseman's Odor Bucket thread. He shows a write up on a common/cheap odor control method using Ona gel. Can get the gel online, then you need a fan, small bucket, and a way to drill a bunch of holes. Check it out ! Should work great for you.

Could always make a post in the stealth hydro thread. They kind of jumped on you last time, but I think it was just an off day. Just make a post about odor control, and I am sure you'll get plenty of ideas. I am pretty useless in this area, like I said, I let em stink.

Mr. Homegrown

Well-Known Member
Ya, I just recently tried out the bubbleponics for the first time myself. Just got my harvest this last weekend. Went great. Read a bunch beforehand, and luckily ran into almost no issues. I let them grow too big for the system, but that was me being greedy ! Its amazing how fast they grow in hydro vs. soil. Amazing ! A little more work in the long run, but well worth it.

Already getting ready to put in some new clones and start vegging again.
Great to hear it!! So with big plants did you have to support them? How did you handle the res. changes? Sorry couple last questions I had I was hoping you could help me with.

I hear ya. I am a cuntry boy born and raised. Grew up working on farms, working with cattle and other animals. Gave that stuff up, but am still country at heart. I don't like having a neighbor within shouting distance. I like space, land, outdoors, etc. Northern Ca is perfect for that. You can really get away if you know the right spots. And scenery is matched by none, but thats just my VERY bias opinion.
LOL. I grew up the same way and live the same now! I wouldn't have it any other way.

And ya, check out Roseman's Odor Bucket thread. He shows a write up on a common/cheap odor control method using Ona gel. Can get the gel online, then you need a fan, small bucket, and a way to drill a bunch of holes. Check it out ! Should work great for you.

Could always make a post in the stealth hydro thread. They kind of jumped on you last time, but I think it was just an off day. Just make a post about odor control, and I am sure you'll get plenty of ideas. I am pretty useless in this area, like I said, I let em stink.
Yeah, I read about it in his DIY thread. Hell I read ALL of his threads. That was back before I first got invited to join.
Oh I think that was just because it was a soil grow. I know other people had posted their soil grow but they also had bp tubs going. I'm just weighing options. Pretty sure I'll need a carbon filter.


Active Member
Mr. Homegrown;3493280]Great to hear it!! So with big plants did you have to support them? How did you handle the res. changes? Sorry couple last questions I had I was hoping you could help me with.
If I had it planned out better, I would have been more prepared. I just wasn't ready for that size, that quick.

I had a jerry rig of sorts, with yarn and rope in every which direction holding the plants up, colas closer to the light, leaves out of the way, etc.

Also, with the weight of the plants, it started to bend and warp the actual reservoir itself. I had to use a bunch of duct tape and heavy weights to hold the net cups in. Tied the plants up so they would stop twisting the tub. Did the best i could with what I had.

Res change was first done by removing the lid, hanging over two chairs. Once the plants got big, they stayed. I used a siphon style pump to pump the water up and out into another rubbermaid tote I had handy. From their, it got dumped. I grow from clone, so I was able to leave on net cup hole on the lid open as a working port. Covered with cardboard and tinfoil to block light, I could easily lift the cover I made to add water. To pull water and test PH, I use a small glass, hold one end of the lid open and just reach in and get the water. This seemed to work great for me.

And no worries man, if you have questions feel free to ask. I wont BS you. If I don't know, I will tell you.

LOL. I grew up the same way and live the same now! I wouldn't have it any other way.
I no longer work the land, or have animals to care to (other then pets) so I am a little more "city" but its ok. I still have a garden, still have land, and no neighbors, so no complaints. I now just have to commute to work.

Yeah, I read about it in his DIY thread. Hell I read ALL of his threads. That was back before I first got invited to join.
Oh I think that was just because it was a soil grow. I know other people had posted their soil grow but they also had bp tubs going. I'm just weighing options. Pretty sure I'll need a carbon filter.

The ona would cover it up nicely indoors but you might be right with the carbon filter. I really am the last person who should give advice on odor issues. Just not something I have dealt with or know much about, sorry. :peace:


Active Member
I had a seedling that was very similar to your 4 noded plant. this seedling popped 3 tops right out of the cotelydon was ridiculous...once it began vegging the stem had been divided 3 ways. my only conclusion to why this happend to this bagseed plant was because the soil got a little mixed up after the tap root had cracked the shell and caused the seed to be sown like 6 inches below soil causing a huuuuge stretch.

Mr. Homegrown

Well-Known Member
If I had it planned out better, I would have been more prepared. I just wasn't ready for that size, that quick.

I had a jerry rig of sorts, with yarn and rope in every which direction holding the plants up, colas closer to the light, leaves out of the way, etc.

Also, with the weight of the plants, it started to bend and warp the actual reservoir itself. I had to use a bunch of duct tape and heavy weights to hold the net cups in. Tied the plants up so they would stop twisting the tub. Did the best i could with what I had.

Res change was first done by removing the lid, hanging over two chairs. Once the plants got big, they stayed. I used a siphon style pump to pump the water up and out into another rubbermaid tote I had handy. From their, it got dumped. I grow from clone, so I was able to leave on net cup hole on the lid open as a working port. Covered with cardboard and tinfoil to block light, I could easily lift the cover I made to add water. To pull water and test PH, I use a small glass, hold one end of the lid open and just reach in and get the water. This seemed to work great for me.

And no worries man, if you have questions feel free to ask. I wont BS you. If I don't know, I will tell you.
You got to do what you can. How tall were they? So do you think if a person finished with plants between 3-4' that would be workable with the setup (supporting plants/ net pots, getting res lid on/off, etc)? That is all the size I'm looking to deal with (have space for).

Thanks! I never thought you would.

I no longer work the land, or have animals to care to (other then pets) so I am a little more "city" but its ok. I still have a garden, still have land, and no neighbors, so no complaints. I now just have to commute to work.
Oops my bad, I meant same as you now too. I live out in BFE too. I more just worked for farmers in my youth. We just had a garden, pigs, & chickens back then. Grew up in the country.

Mr. Homegrown

Well-Known Member
I had a seedling that was very similar to your 4 noded plant. this seedling popped 3 tops right out of the cotelydon was ridiculous...once it began vegging the stem had been divided 3 ways. my only conclusion to why this happend to this bagseed plant was because the soil got a little mixed up after the tap root had cracked the shell and caused the seed to be sown like 6 inches below soil causing a huuuuge stretch.
Well that's interesting. How did it finish out for you? I think mine is probably more genetics. Seems to be alot of controversy over Nirvana genetics and it probably didn't help the parent plants were having problems with soil ph when I made the seeds. Maybe something didn't develop right ( I'm no genetic guru!! lol). I been thinking of getting some different breeders WW beans and start over with them.

Mr. Homegrown

Well-Known Member
It's been awhile since I had a chance to update this so I'll try now. Last Friday after topping I found my new growth was developing it's 4 node. They took off faster than I thought. So I topped them at the first node and Saturday the lights went to 12/12.

I picked up some more nut burn so I cut down the next mix. Still seen just a little more and maybe some K being locked out so I just gave them some ph balanced water today. Soil must be holding up better than I hoped.

Starting to see some beginnings signs of sex so hopefully another couple days I'll know for sure.

Off the fimmed plant I got 2 tops on one and 3 on the other branch. The node beneath, on the main stem, was really growing so when I topped the rest the 2nd time I also topped those branches. It's turning into a nice bush. Also removed all the LST supports today.

I got nice new growth off everything except the straggler which I now believe is just a runt. It never had the growth like most the others ( got one other a little puny). Hoping it's a male so I am rid of it. I'll try and get some pics tomorrow to post.:leaf:

Mr. Homegrown

Well-Known Member
Well it looks like I got 4 males out of the 8. Sad news is my most vigorous one and the odd one are two of the males :-(. So I figured I better get some pics on before they get whacked. The most vigorous one I will collect pollen from to store. I'll wait to see how the females do, if I want to make seeds from one of them. Slim pickins for choice with 2 being runts. Here's some pics.

First one is just an overview. Second, third and fourth pics are of the odd plant. Second shows whole plant and third and fourth show the fimmed areas of the tops. Fifth is a pic of the most vigorous one :leaf:



Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about the males. That sucks. Hopefully you can end up with a couple of decent plants to breed with.

Mr. Homegrown

Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about the males. That sucks. Hopefully you can end up with a couple of decent plants to breed with.
Thanks Dave, yeah it blows. Was hoping to have one or the other, of the vig. or odd one, to be female. With those tops would have been fun to see them finish.


Active Member
Bummer man ! Sucks. Would have been cool to watch that oddball grow out.

Oh well, I'm sure you'll still get a decent yield.


Well-Known Member
Sorry about the males MHG, but at least you'll get something good off your remaining females. Gotta stay positive! So I don't know if you already mentioned it but what size light are you using to flower your plants? Did you veg them under that same lamp or a different one? How would you rate Nirvana's WW, can you give a smoke report? Thanks for posting!

Mr. Homegrown

Well-Known Member
Sorry about the males MHG, but at least you'll get something good off your remaining females. Gotta stay positive!
Thanks, yes I'll just let them flower a little longer. Always got to stay positive!

So I don't know if you already mentioned it but what size light are you using to flower your plants?
I use a 400w Sunsystem MH/HPS ballast and reflector.

Did you veg them under that same lamp or a different one?
Yes, I started them right under the 400w from when the sprouts popped above ground. That has been the point of this grow. I wanted to make a soil that I could start seeds right in under my 400w. I normally use a 4' fluorescent to start them and then transplant after a week + and they go under the 400w. I wanted to see if there was any advantage in time wise, etc.

How would you rate Nirvana's WW, can you give a smoke report? Thanks for posting!
It would not be fair for me rate it, I have never grown any other WW. I had some from an outdoor grow of it but never knew who the breeder was. Here is a link to a post I made about nirvana genetics comparing the findings of my first grow of WW from Nirvana:

As far as the smoke report, I harvested when the trichs were good and cloudy. I prefer the "High" feeling. The buzz was very up and energetic. I never found a yawn in the whole batch! I have read other threads also that talk of the same about WW from Nirvana. Good expansion that ya knew ya got a hit but nothing that left ya coughing for 10 min that you couldn't hit it again! Pretty smooth, nice taste, and LOTS of trichs! Yep, that's pretty much why I am growing it back to back! lol :smile: Read thru my journal, it's pretty short and you can see first hand everything :wink: