Mr. MJ's 2012 Guerrila Garden

a couple presumed males, and another plot, been out about 3 weeks. also check out the trichs building on those preflowers, should be some frosty nugs for sure
to get an idea of how much they grew, the first pic is from 2 and a half weeks before, the last 2 pics are current. also my update spans a good 7 or so posts so u may have to go back a page to see all the pics. i wanted to do it in one post and have the pics in with the text, but it didnt work out. i still have to get more pics of the rest of them so stay tuned
pretty funny about spraying the Mex swag had a friend do the same but added a little coconut extract gave it a chocolatey smell ..the denzins raved about it like it was the second coming :wall:
Back in the begining you talked about the people around you not knowing anything about good medicine and someone spraying their stash tried to answer that post but it got put all the way back here
Your garden is lookig great. I have lost total plants to animals. Tops eaten off. I took a dead leaf today that was dry and lit it up in a pipe. I had not felt that feeling since I was 20YO. Thats 38 years ago. It this point, if the leaf are that great and I have no back or RA pain, I think I'm doing A-OK for the first time. Good for me and I'm feeling good...Oh and Mr MJ, your gardens really look good but you may have a fungus...
I used to live in Northern Illinois. Lots of woods and trails and shit to explore up there, real naturey area, bald eagles and lots of wildlife.. but step in the wrong spot and bam!! Fuckin poison ivy will get ur ass!! Have u itchin like a crackhead for weeks. Good thing we dont have that here in southern Cali.

Yea we do we got poison oak its pretty much the same thing it's all over my trail but my body is immune to it so I cant catch it my girl cought it tho... Poison oak on the west coast and poison ivy on the east
How big is your fence around your plot? I gotta regroup and build one, my plants got chewed. I salvaged 3 out of the 15 I had. thanks.

F2H :leaf:
How big is your fence around your plot? I gotta regroup and build one, my plants got chewed. I salvaged 3 out of the 15 I had. thanks.

F2H :leaf:
its about 4 ft but the holes are big enough for chipmunks, to get through. i know chipmunks arent usually a common enemy of growers but these little fuckers are sure doin damage. last year i had the same problem, little bastards would clear the lower foliage, and then after no leaves were left in reach theyd'd progress to climbing weighing down my branches, break them and then easily access the top leaves. this year they are smarter. theyll chomp a whole branch right at the base let it fall to the ground and then eat the leaves, often leaving braches they didnt eat on the ground. they completely stripped a nice plant in two days to nothing but the main stalk, and the main stalk was chewed half way through in spots. im guessing they tried to take down the whole plant but failed. so i gotta do sumthing about this. its been awhile since ive been on here cuz i didnt have internet, so ill get some pics up soon
Hi Mr MJ, my plants are growing now. They are getting tall and I'd like to stop the plants from growing any higher. Their about 3 ft tall. Do I pinch the ends of the plants like I have read ? Wouldn't pinching hurt the bud part of the plant ? Would like to get some ideas what I need to do. Some of the plants are all green stems and some plants stems have turned purpleish color on the leaf stem. Why the different stem colors ? Thanks all.
update time, been a little while but here u go. heres some pics of my force flowered ladys, not expecting much for yield but some early smoke will be nice
some pics of the damage done, i put some fruit out after the fact cuz i figured they were working hard to get the leaves, and a bowl of fruit might entice them more than my leaves and branches, and an easily accessible meal as well,