Mr.x's 1st i/d


Well-Known Member
Well long story short. i had a female budding out side, dog ate it but left enough on it for it to grow back. She made a strong come back, then dog ate it again. so i decided to move her in my closet.

I am using a 150hps, "took apart a security lamp"

she has been in there for 5 days now. Today being 1st day of 12/12.

Don't really expect much. I may have to end up getting a few cfls, when she packs on the fruit. I have already began to see light penetration issues with this 150.

The soil is Jungle Grow. from Lowes.
nutes, GH veg,bloom,micro. I gave her, her last dose of veg last night after the lights went off. In 3 or so waterings i will start on the bloom.

Question!!! Why might the new growth only be producing 3 segmented leafs? Is this do to lack of light?
Day 1


Day 3



Day 5/ today/ day 12/12




sorry dude i dont beat my dogs. Its my fault, i should of never gave her a taste of weed. shes a pit extremely intelligent. I got to thinking, she probally did it to get back at me for getting a puppy. She knew i cared about the plant. she saw me water it and tend to it every day. She doesn't eat other plants.

I suggest beating your dog.
All good, some one else told me i should have beat her. He was serious tho, and he saw my dogs on the pitbull thread, some redneck i guess he uses them for hog dogs. rolled up newspaper is what i use. never my hand.

As for the Rays. hell yea! it's a shame after such a great year they still dont have the fette to pick up any free agents. should have picked up CC haha
Day 7 under light, 3rd evening of 12/12. I see pistils, at least 4. Need batteries for the Mscope.
The first 4 days where 22/10. keeping in mind she was flowering a 1.5 months ago outside, before first slaying acquired. Have pics up b4 1.



every node is branching. im wondering if i should keep pulling her down, so that every branch is like multi colas or leave her be. fell asleep before i could turn the lights off last night so, she will be in darkness till tomorrow morning.
i'll talk to my self

Today i added 2 inches of fresh soil, and watered .5gal w/molasses.
Mid day, 5th day of 12/12

I have at least 4 main coals, with every node branching. Becoming quite the little bush.
I reached my goal as to trying it down. I will be adding, a 2 bulb 4' shop light, for the back side that is in shade all day long.

All criticism welcome. pics will be up soon
day5 12/12



Got a baseball sized burn on the inside of my arm, from the bulb. getting these pics!! :l
Anyone think i should add a shop light, on the back side?
The way i have the bulb hanging, as you can see only one side gets good light. I need to rig up some kind of hood. I did not expect her to fill out, this way. I expected a small skinny good for nothing specimen. This 150 4 inches away, is really something.
yeah fuck the shop light a 150 for a plant that size and only on go to menards and go to the metal section where they have angle iron and shi like that they should have like 1/8 inch aluminum sheeting and bend it around the bulb should be more the 10 much 5-10 proballly
Some bag seed. looks to me like a 50/50 mix. Maybe some one more experienced can make a guess.

The way the ballast is connected to the socket, is going to determine the hood i make.

should i cut a leaf off that got burnt?
Day 10 of 12/12
Had a bit of a mishap, I'm guessing the twine i tied her down with, came undone. Causing her to spring up into the bulb, 2 of the main colas, wilted to crap.
Should i cut them off? Every thing that can go wrong, will go wrong.

Pics in a hour or so!
No, well, i can make a hood, that would allow me to attach chains at both ends. right now i can only attach at one end. so it naturally hangs that way.

I need to make one fast tho. Right now i am turning her every 3 days and pulling her a different way each time. giving each some what equal coverage.
I noticed the light is stronger, perpendicular to the bulb, so if i make a hood that allows me to mount it horizontal. then get a few of those reflective windshield things to put around all sides. . Then i will be able to let her grow up naturally.
Need to get this fixed quickly tho, buds are beginning to form
i almost want to take some clones, good way to practice, have a bunch of vegetation towards the bottom, that is useless unless i get some cfls in there.