MrEDuck's journal

Ran into some legal troubles that kept me away for a bit but I'm back.
Sadly my KM girl didn't do very well in my wife's care. The other plants did ok though. I'll get some pics up tonight or tomorrow.
Puff 11 weeks is very fast for a KM. There's definitely 11 week phenos but from what I gather the best ones are the ones that are 13+. Thankfully I have a clone of the one I was running so I can try her again and hope nothing comes up to keep me away from her.
So M5 is up. Here's hoping for a nice female.

Here's Stella starting day 36. She handled my absence the best but is still a bit small.



This is a C99 being grown in honor of Lumi/Kite High. It's an S1 of an outstanding female from original Brothers Grimm stock that he had given to a mutual friend. Her name is Lucy in his honor.
I think the smoke is well worth it. 100 day sats reward you for being patient.
I'll try to get some pics up tonight. I just put some clones into flower that are looking quite unhappy. I'm reusing some medium amd I think I didn't flush it out enough.
I hope you get to one day Puff!

I took some pics last night. Sorry for not white balancing the ones under HPS.


Amodini has recovered from the clawing she was showing. Hopefully that will be the worst stress she has to endure. I think she's about 5 days in. I can't remember when I flipped her.

Rapunzel she's getting close but still looks like she has a little way to go

I'm letting Maria go after this run. She's good but not keeper good but I had space in flower that wasn't being used.
I've been having some kind of medium issue with the girls who just went in. They're in reused Promix and I thought I had flushed it out thoroughly but they've been clawing something fierce.
Rapunzel is getting chopped tomorrow.
I'll get pics up later.
Nooooo not the claw..:)

Man everytime I reuse soil or whatever in my pots it causes issues, so I said fuck it and throw it in the garden...till the hell out of it and no problems.
Never used promix...what's that stuff made of Duck?
Peatmoss with some lime and varying amounts of perlite and vermiculite depending on the formulation.
Really giving me incentive to switch to something like growstones. I don't like dealing with things like dirtlike media anyway. Its just so dirty...
Ah so heavy on the peat moss.
I hear ya on the mess,the mix I use consists of pine bark fines, peat moss, and seems as though DG and the mix I use were made for each other as i've never had results like I'm getting now...IOW screw

So did ya chop Rapunzel yet? :) Waitin for that bud porn
I got like half of her chopped and I need to finish up but I've been distracted by housework that needs to get done.
I went to bed right after checking on the girls last night instead of posting pics. I'll get to it today.
I got like half of her chopped and I need to finish up but I've been distracted by housework that needs to get done.
I went to bed right after checking on the girls last night instead of posting pics. I'll get to it today.

I've been doing the spring cleaning thing too...the house and the yard ( f-in leaves ) lol
I've been slacking on pictures lately...
Rapunzel getting ready to get chopped



Amodini looking much better now. I'm going to wait until I see a little yellow before she gets fed and cross my fingers that it works out.

N0 (Namaste) about to get upcanned. For those of you who don't know this is a strain bred in memory of Illumination/Kite High by a friend that I've been growing. She's been having alternating nodes for a little while but hasn't shown preflowers yet. I'm hoping that means she's really a she. Pardon the fucked up appearance. She was drinking quickly and running into issues with moisture stress because of her small container. Also she got pulled out of veg during lights off so she's a touch droopy.

New home!

Stella. I need to check how long she's been in flower. She's still definitely not doing as well as past plants because of my absence. At least I know that I do something useful in my garden :/

Amodini still looks like her leaves are a bit droopy. But she's been growing ok. She got fed and didn't go crazy so hopefully things are resolving.

Maria is looking better as well.
I've been slacking on taking pics. My environment has been a pain in the ass and super humid and my plants are looking rough. Working on trying to get a dehumidifier or I'll have to shut down for the summer.