MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.


Well-Known Member
Sup cheeze, yeah, I've been growing for a pretty long time, so far there's just seed to clone, I'll be cloneing tonight, or tomorrow. Flowering should start soon.


Well-Known Member
I have some pics from the last time I grew it in my previous experience album, I think the second blueberry I have is a male, not sure yet, I wasn't planning on using it for breeding. Can you still aquire DJs Blueberry? I got these beans like 7 years ago, I'm suprised as fuck they germinated. I think I'm gonna breed the two blueberries together, if you can't get seeds anymore, I don't want to risk not being able to grow it, or buy it from seed.


Well-Known Member
That's what I figured. Man I've been out of the loop, Dutch Passion, i don't think they were around, or at least well known when I got my DJ short beans. You start growing a few strains and five, six years later, things have changed.

Shit, digital ballasts didn't come out that long ago, like 3,4 years? Mylar has changed, hoods are better, I've had to upgrade my equipment 3 times.

Alot of the strains I hear people talking about weren't around. The newest I know of is Sour D, and the Mass Skunk happened and I thought, shit, I'm doing better than that. I'm talking about the article in High Times, their grow wasn't anything special, 2 600s and a 1000. At the time I was running 12 hoods on 6 rotating ballasts. But there are some sweet ass warehouse style grows featured in high times, I'll give it that.


Well-Known Member
did I give you permission to hold classes.......oh yeah I did, shit never mind carry on MHM. Do you have someone to take pictures of your cloning process or maybe a camera tripod, I've got one you can borrow. VV


Well-Known Member
mad props to dj thats for sure. he trained and taught many of the popular guys around today like subcool etc...but for some reason or another none of them can really compare.Dont get me wrong lots of good stuff comes from the newer guys but dj shorts is a legend and for good reason. cause hes a true pioneer in cultivation of exceptional quality cannibis


Well-Known Member
i ordered my seeds the BM from planet skunk in europe. they took 16 days . great stealth to, creative.thier one of the last places that have reg. seeds for sale by dp, 71.00 for 10. the blue moonshine was 143.00 for 10 feminized and threw in 11 australian blue seeds that look healthy.. i know you dont like buying beans but the word is reg seeds are gonna be a a thing of the past probably. i bought out the blueberry pacs of seeds from rhino seeds couple months ago:bigjoint:, planet skunk is doing a sale on them for 71.00 thier a good store to. i did cc order., and i assure you they arent old seeds . i never had one dp seed not come up in 9 yrs...... . after that , may not be obtainable , dp is going all feminized,


Well-Known Member
-----ON TOPIC-----


The other Blueberry shot out pistols today! Two for two, hell yeah. Now I'll have two to chose the best pheno, and have more clones to bloom.

I did a FIM cut on the largest of the two blueberries, to promote branch growth for taking clones. I plan on doing the same thing to the 9Mile after it grows a couple more nodes.


Well-Known Member
good deal man, glad things are lookin up for ya. its a lot of work we do to put it together, a sweet payoff makes it worth all the effort.
i hope i'm successful on my clones, first time, i have Eds book, and went youtube, very hepful before i started puting it together.i got the heating mat with thetemp. guage. hope i can get me a good mother out of the clones.


Well-Known Member
I snapped some pics, I'll upload them tomorrow.

I'll take detailed pics of my clone process, I also groomed the plants today. I cut off the little first branches, all the 3 fingered leaves, and cleaned up some underbrush.

I took a good pic of the FIM cut. I heard that a FIM is better than topping because the hormones that are in the top of the plant will spread around to the other nodes, otherwise you would have cut the hormones off.


Well-Known Member
sweet, i look forward to seeing your cloning methods. i have had nothing but trouble with cloning since i started growing again. i never had trouble in the past but i always did big batches so a couple losses werent a big deal. but i take 1 or 2 at a time now so a loss is detrimental.


Well-Known Member
Here are detailed pics of my cloneing.

first I spray the clone dome down with hydrogen peroxide.

I stab the rapid rooters with the scissors coated in rootech, and keep rootech on the scissors while cutting.

I cut below where I wan't the final cut, immediately put it in water to finish the second cut, at a 45 degree angle, dip in root gel, and gently put it in the plug.

