MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I'm hoping the smell doesn't get too outta control, the filter is probably 2 years old, it's been rinsed twice.

Ona is only 35 bucks a gallon, I can get the 5 gal buckets for a little over 100... If it's an issue. But I don't think it'll be a problem, it's sealed well, and all the air will be scrubbed through the carbon filter.


Well-Known Member
when clones are rooted , when do i change to put them under a 250 MH to veg?i got 4 rooted in 8 days ... i have a conversion lamp and have both bulbs. is the mh better to veg than the hps?thanx .


Well-Known Member
The MH puts out the blue spectrum that is suitable for veg.

You can put them under it right away, 250W doesn't have the high lumen output of other HIDs so you won't have to keep it as far above as, say, a 400W... You could probably clone with the MH, as long as you keep the light far enough away.


Well-Known Member
Slight update...

I took another tray of clones last night, and started putting together a mothering chamber... Shouldn't be long before I start blooming, probably 2-3 weeks and I'll have all the clones I need.


Well-Known Member
Jesus, you we're shittin us when you said you were experianced. Thanks again for the detailed journals. I've been taken notes this entire time.


Well-Known Member
No problem :mrgreen:

I think the only thing I'm leaving out is my feeding regiment. But that varies depending on what nutes you choose to use. I'm trying to display my technique over moreso than what I feed them.

For veg I've been using a mixup of nutes...

AN Sensizym
AN Carboload
AN Barricade
AN Tarantula
AN Pirahna
Iguana Grow (ran out)
Earth Juice Grow (ran out)
FF Grow Big (currently using)
Mother Earth Grow
AN Humic
AN Fulvic
AN B52

I'm planning on using a few different nutes other than just AN on my bloom for comparisons. I don't have as much startup as I wished, so nutrient costs are an issue. I do have a full gallon each of the AN SensiBloom 2part I plan on using, and I'm going to try out the Fox Farm lineup as well.

Not too keen on Technaflora, Dutch Master, GH, or Botanicare, but I was thinking about giving Botanicare a try over the Fox Farm, I have a friend that gets great results with the Botanicare line.


Well-Known Member
goddamn!! youve got one hell of a secret sauce going there. and my pops thinks i use alot of different shit in my recipie! it looks like its working well so far. how do you feel about davids grow? i know lots of people say its complete garbage, but its workin for me pretty good and the price cant be beat!

finally got my clones to take, thanks for the help. new pics in the journal, went with a bigger pot like you suggested too!


Well-Known Member
Never heard of David's Grow... It's not available at my shop.

It doesn't really matter what you feed them as long as they're getting the appropriate NPK levels they'll turn out just fine.

Over the years I've tried many different recipes, i settled on AN giving me the best results, but i'm going to cheap out on a few and compared either Fox Farm or Botanicare to the Advanced line.

YOUR MY HERO DUDE,,,,,,,, nice Fcken grow
Thanks :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
davids grow is a Brew-N-Grow generic house brand. b-n-g is thier physical locations name and they have a website they have several additives like silica, fulvic, and micro-beasties too.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Thanks, I'm hoping the smell doesn't get too outta control, the filter is probably 2 years old, it's been rinsed twice.

Ona is only 35 bucks a gallon, I can get the 5 gal buckets for a little over 100... If it's an issue. But I don't think it'll be a problem, it's sealed well, and all the air will be scrubbed through the carbon filter.
Whats up brother? Checking in on you and I had to toss you some info after reading this post-----I want you to try something-I use-to use the ONA in every form possible (liquid/gel/solid block---ona bucket scrubbers made from 5 gal/with fan)--anyway I was at the grocery store picking up some dailies and came across-----"ULTRA DOWNY LIQUED FABRIC SOFTNER WITH FEBREZE"--It was 5 bucks----I tossed about a cup into my bucket scrubber and threw in 2 gallons of water then hit the fan and within secs all that could be smelled in the room was beautiful clean rain smell---the shit works alot better than ONA!!! and it lasts for weeks. You should try it-like me once you do I think you will be impressed.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I was looking a ona for 40 bucks a gallon... I assume that the downy febreeze will work if necessary.

Smell isn't that big of a deal. Except I'm having the family over for Christmas, which is going to be right before or around harvest time. My immediate family knows what I do, but I don't want my aunts uncles etc. to know whats up.

My room is fairly airtight, so I plan on keeping the exhaust off and using some type of air freshener outside the room to control any suspicious odor while there is company around.

Thanks for the tip :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
What do you use to fasten the poly to the wall/ceilings?
What did you use on the floor?
Do you supplement with CO2?


Well-Known Member
-I'm only planning on vegging for two weeks, three maybe, as soon as everything starts to shoot up. I'm vegging them with the HPS after they take root from being repotted. They're in clone stage now. So I should have everything all together by December.

-I attached the poly using a staple gun, walls are hung, not attached to the the cinder block. There is a slight gap between the poly and the wall, which is full of insecticides, and neem oil.

-the floor is flat white paint.

-I normally would supplement co2, but my room size is very large, money is very tight, and I'm only planning on using this garden two, maybe three times, I'm buying a house next year, then I'll worry about making everything perfect.

Is kinda funny to say that this is just a temporary garden I threw up on a whim, I was planning on buying a house this summer, but with the market gone to shit, I was fucked, so I rented out this place til next summer.

I don't have internet here, I have to use someone else's computer to upload pics, otherwise, I do everything on a blackberry. Takes forever to type all this compared to if I was on an actual computer, but what the hell, it's better than nothing.


Well-Known Member
haha damn then that is quite a nice temporary grow you have then going. i hate thinking of typing on a blackberry vs a nice keyboard, but i know when i had one & used it a lot i did get pretty fast...then it broke. internet is key :mrgreen:

yea the housing market is bad right now, but i'm looking to get in in the next couple of years so i kind of hope prices stay low hah, it's such a buyers market it's a good time to pick up a cheap house if you have the cash! that's just a pipe dream though, more than a few years away, i bet :-?


Well-Known Member
What do you use to fasten the poly to the wall/ceilings?
What did you use on the floor?
Do you supplement with CO2?


Well-Known Member
Nice production grow bra! kiss-ass

Only one question at this point... Why the soil? With the gaggle of nutes you are using I would think a simple hydro 2-part in a couple ebb/flow tables would suit your need nicely. Just curious as you obviously have loads of experience as advertised.

At any rate.. consider me subscribed. I will pull up a chair and wait for the sexy little biyches to show off:mrgreen::mrgreen::hump: