I had a bad bottle of BUDBLAST once---Even if you just opened the lid--Your whole room would smell of the most pewtred baby shit/diarrhea/vomit. I lost all sense of smell for three months after that episode.I haven't used voodoo this round... But as far as bad smells... The guy who runs my hydro shop, and the "questions" guy at Advanced (number on the bottle) say that with organics there is the possibility of some decay and rot... And it's okay.
My shop will still exchange it for one that's not stinky.
Ever smelled Sensizym that's gone sour?
Speaking of which, I stopped by the store yesterday and bought;
4L Sensizym
1L SensiCal Bloom
1L Carboload
Cha Ching
Great porn.What a killer grow room.You guys spend as much on this as i doing boating and fishing.Great set-up mr. marks.Clean mean growin machine.
My wife is already mad at you, vv and dirtbag.Ya got me addicted to growin,besides,,, fishin.Now I have to admit. I get a little over board at time.have like 5000+ salmon trollin spoons,like 50 fishin rods hmm,4 boats and now instead of makeing new lures i'm building grow rooms and rewireing the f'ing basement.Oh ya started a monster
.This be some fun shit and will smell way better than fishin.Wife wont think i been dally'in a 5 dollar whore from the smell of my fishing bids,she'll think I got hooked up with a skunk,Hmm now wait a minute,skunk,sheep,montana,smell,hmmm.
most ppl bury the tube also...you fill it first then the rain water keeps them filled hopefully...i do this with buried buckets around my outdoor plants...bury the bucket and put a screeen on the top and fill them up...as the ground dries it absorbes the water quicker...as long as your not in a drought it works gr8 for grows you dont wanna leave a trail too...of course a field of tractor inner tubes is discreet as hell too!
How do you fill them with water?