MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.


Well-Known Member
i have used cc on a couple of things, other than that i stay lower than a snakes asshole to the ground , only one mover..

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
The police don't give 2 shits about us small time medical growers---They want large producers---If they're watching the stores it's for big purchases were lots of equipment are going out the door. With legalised meds they know a lot of the small growers are legal in the state for up to a certain limit---They would be pissed for having wasted the time and money for one of our small medical grows----Keep it small----personal-----medical and no-worries....

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
I've been meaning to give that bushmaster a try, i hear you only need a teensy bit...

My current garden isn't very uniform in height, I really need to load some pics for an update, basically, two lights have 3 foot tall plants, two lights have 2 foot plants, and two lights are a foot... They had different amounts of veg time, from different batches of clones, the mothers had to mature for sexing, that held me up a bit, but any way, one light has 4 monsters under it creating a great canopy... Pictures are worth 1000 words... I'll get them up as soon as I can.
Your going to have to break out the eyedropper for the BUSHMASTER----hehehehehe------AKA"liquid HELL:fire:".
The police don't give 2 shits about us small time medical growers---They want large producers---If they're watching the stores it's for big purchases were lots of equipment are going out the door. With legalised meds they know a lot of the small growers are legal in the state for up to a certain limit---They would be pissed for having wasted the time and money for one of our small medical grows----Keep it small----personal-----medical and no-worries....

i agree! once i said medical, all but one of the cops demeanor changed. they sat him down to do the paper work and i am guessing that is way items were missed.
i never let them in, the cop said they had a domestic with a women in distress. he came in on his own. If it were not 4 affirmative defense. I would be fighting this on constitutional ground. The search warrant was a thing of fiction. he shouldnt be a cop, but a novelist.

i am not worried the law is on my side. just bummed about not being in full production for april 4th.

The youngest cop.. i think i talked him into checking out how to become a care giver.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
i agree! once i said medical, all but one of the cops demeanor changed. they sat him down to do the paper work and i am guessing that is way items were missed.
i never let them in, the cop said they had a domestic with a women in distress. he came in on his own. If it were not 4 affirmative defense. I would be fighting this on constitutional ground. The search warrant was a thing of fiction. he shouldnt be a cop, but a novelist.

i am not worried the law is on my side. just bummed about not being in full production for april 4th.

The youngest cop.. i think i talked him into checking out how to become a care giver.
police are people too----shit some of them smoke/smoked/are going to smoke Medical Marijuana---it's sooooooooooo much safer than pills or boooooze and they know it.


Well-Known Member
legalization may be closer than we think, this town down south i thought would never open a head shop and they opened these at once, next door to the super store there full blowed out hydroponics store,lol.badass.the only one here.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
legalization may be closer than we think, this town down south i thought would never open a head shop and they opened these at once, next door to the super store there full blowed out hydroponics store,lol.badass.the only one here.
Your right---its on the horizon----hope I'm alive to see the day you can drive past a thousand acre farm of beautiful MJ----can you imagine the smell of a monstrous outdoor crop in full bloom----just sticky and sweet------yumyumyum...


Well-Known Member
That would be a sweet smell, and a beautiful sight. I still think if they legalize, the tobacco companies should cut down half their tobacco fields, and just plant pot. They can use the same rolling machines, and everything, just start producing packs of joints, instead of cigarettes.


Well-Known Member
That would be a sweet smell, and a beautiful sight. I still think if they legalize, the tobacco companies should cut down half their tobacco fields, and just plant pot. They can use the same rolling machines, and everything, just start producing packs of joints, instead of cigarettes.
Wouldn't you rather smoke hand-grown, small-batch organic dank? The tobacco companies are the last people who should benefit from legalization. They fill their cigs with all kinds of nasty crap.:spew:


Well-Known Member
Not to mention the big tobacco growers spray their crops with radioactive pesticides... And marijuana absorbs radiation... So if you wanna buy radioactive cigs with tons of chemical preservatives and additives...

I'll be the old guy with the 100 acre crop of sensimilla grown from clone... It comes down to basic horticulture knowledge, and a lot of commercial farmers cop out for the chemicals and pesticides that are harmful to humans and the environment...

You really should be thinking of all the greenhouses that will pop up on the landscape :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Oh, and something came to mind ShortTerm...

Since they were at the wrong house to begin with, I'm pretty sure any lawyer can get that one dismissed...

You shouldn't have any worries, even a public defender should be able to clear it up.

For example;

A friend of mine had a decent size grow going in an apartment above a bar.

The city officials went into the apartment unannounced because they were appraising the value of the building, because they were buying back the land and demolishing it.

So, they were given the key and walked right into a grow room, everything was seized, but my friend got a really good lawyer, and he never got charged with anything, never had to go to court, nothing...

It was all swept under the rug.:mrgreen:

But he didn't get his shit back... :roll:

When they stumble upon something by accident, you can most likely get out of it...

I was pulled for "improper display of tags"

It smelled like weed, even though I had ate my last joint, and was fairly certain I didn't have anything on me, i gave my consent to search, and she found a roach... :roll:

I got a lawyer, and the "improper display" wasn't improper, because it states in the DMV that you can put your front plate inside the passenger windshield... Dismissed. :clap:


Well-Known Member
I hate cops that you know they we the nerdy kid who got picked on in high school, so he went and got a gun, and now he's taking back what was taken from him... Fucking assholes :cuss:

Some of them are alright, but most are just pricks about weed.

I've had plenty of good police encounters, where I was polite and talked my way out of trouble, but when they smell the weed, most turn into dickheads... At least where I live. :roll:


Active Member
Have you ever tried Sugar Daddy? I was told by the guy at the grow store that it was essentially the same thing as Sweet, only cheaper. I decided to try it out with Floragro micro and bloom. Anything else you think I should add?


Well-Known Member
Mr. Marks, cpl quick questions.. i If this bothers u to ask on your journal i apologize, it is a gr8 read, and very informative.

need to know: 1st grow, soil, one WW & one carmelicious, 12/12 started dec 20, fox farm nutes but only 1/2 of whats recomended from thier chart and only every other (molasses every water started day 10), 1 250w hps and t5 4 bulbs 3000K 54w each. and ph between 6-7 (use strips so best i can tell i try to get 6.5)

the WW was topped in veg, the carmelicious wasn't. HOLY WTF OMG stretching by both but esp carmel (dbld in height) in 1st week of flwr, normal?

so Im 16 days into flower today, and the WW really isnt making any buds as of yet.. this normal?

the carmelicious looks to have frozen in bud production as of ast few days.

pics of everthing here,

any help so very much appreciated, and plz if not Mr Marks limit responses, not trying to interfere w/ his journal



Well-Known Member
Yeah Nacho, all the sugar products are pretty much the same...

They are all pretty much composed of carbohydrates, derived from Molasses, Raw Cane Sugar, and other sources, Sweet Leaf from AN contains Cranberry extract and Grape extract, along with sandlewood extract, they are all similar and carbs increase weight and boost yield, along with flavor enhancement...:leaf:


Well-Known Member
1ht1der- hell yeah stretching is normal... and they should start packing on calyxes in the next week... It sounds/looks like you might be doing something wrong, they should be thriving. Make sure not to overwater... it might take a while in between waterings if the aren't growing... just wait.

I have a picture update... break out some condoms and put them on you fingers, cause you don't want to get any of what I got on you... :mrgreen: