MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.


Well-Known Member
im hoping the taxman puts some good shit under my pillow this year.

dont get me wrong, i love my daughter regardless. but she gets an extra hug at tax little deduction.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the Super Skunks could've used MORE food... Nice to know for the future... I've been feeding them extra, and they're loving it. Still some singed tips out there... it's all good.


Well-Known Member
Looks great MHM, glad I stopped by today to catch those pics. Those girls are lookin really nice man, has it been getting chilly in your room at night? Just curious cus the blueberries are so colorfull. All my little girls are looking really nice and healthy. Have you been over to see the journal recently? I posted up some pics of the plants, and my latest mushroom harvest, yesterday or the night before. Any way, ttyl TC


Well-Known Member
Yup, the shrooms look nice...

I still have some from over a year ago... Idk, does everyone get tired of shrooms? I only feel like booming maybe twice a year.

Nighttime temps are 58-60 average... Daytime is 68-72.

It's not cold enough for the pronounced purpling... None of the other plants are turning purple...


Well-Known Member
I was just curious on the temps, you always seem to keep things in check pretty well, but I know its been cold as shit here lately, I had to turn my thermostat up to keep all my projects at the right temps. So far I havn't gotten burned out on the shrooms, but I'm sure I'll get to a point were I'll take a good break. That might even be after next weekend. I'm going to Indiana for a visit, and they want to trip so we prolly will, but i think I might take acouple weeks off after that, and let my body clean out. I've personally eaten well over an oz of shrooms since new years eve. It sure has been fun though!!


Well-Known Member
I have to be out in the wild on a long weekend hike... With a few friends. We'll go through an ounce each in a few days... Maybe that's why I don't do it that often...


Well-Known Member
That sounds like a great way to do them once or twice a year, one long crazy weekend. I really enjoy eatin them, and just chillin with my girl. Maybe watch some movies, and always smoke some blunts. I am planning at least one shrooming camping trip this summer, prolly 2. I want to hit up Nelsons ledges for 4/20, then we'll prolly go camp some time later in the summer.


Well-Known Member
Hey MHM, I am about to lollipop my flowering clones. They are on day 10, started 4-6" now 7-10" tall. 400W. I've heard people remove the growth from the bottom 1/3 of the stem and also some take everything off the lower 1/2 of the plant. WHich do you do? It looks like you prune pretty heavy.
I plan on doing this one now and once more in about a week. Thanks in advnace for any advice you can give.



Well-Known Member
Yeah, when you're removing plant material it's best to only remove 1/4 to 1/3 of the plant. Otherwise it'll be too much stress and stunt growth.

I'd remove all the branch cluster at the bottom where it went from clone to normal growth...

Usually there are 6-8 branches/nodes that form really close at the bottom, within 3-4 inches... then they spread apart towards the top a bit more like 1 inch apart each.

You don't want to remove that much after week 1, I try to get all my ducks in a row before that, I trim up before flowering, and catch up after the first two week stretching period...

Just for all you skeptics out there... I did leave 3 super skunks untrimmed, to show the difference between grooming the plant and just letting it go... For now, the trimmed plants are a bit taller, and the buds seem to be denser and larger... No way to tell untill harvest which is better tasting, yields more... Etc.


Well-Known Member
1/2 sounds like a little too much. Most people and what I will be doing is about the bottum 3rd.
depends on your light and your plants size. some of his bigger plants he chopped over half.

solid figures like that i think are bad references, theres too many variables.


Well-Known Member
do you think it affects taste?
Im still not sure about creating taste in my plants. From what I heard pot in soil tastes better then I watched the nasa aero grow video and they say you can actually create more flavor in fruit and veggies using aeroponics. Im kinda confused now. I want my super lemon haze to taste like lemon drops.


Well-Known Member
Organics, and a good flush survolte!
are you sure I want to completely flush? Theres nothing organic I could add for the last 2 weeks to increase taste?

by the way how should I tell when its about 2 weeks from harvest? will trichs start to turn amber or get cloudy?

thanx again thundercat


Well-Known Member
I always use the carbs right up until the day of harvest...

Get as much sugar in there as possible, it helps with flavor a lot...

Yoi could simplify what I do by going to the supermarket and getting Molasses and Apple Juice...

Sugar = Flavor.

Oh and slickwillie, not sure if flavor will be affected, will find out though...

And I agree with your statement, you just don't want to remove more than 1/3 of the plant in one trimming... You can do it over and over to get to where you want. But yeah, I removed way more than half of what would be normal growth...


Well-Known Member
i guess a top bud would taste better in the respect that it has a higher bud:leaf ratio. leaf being a major contributing factor to bad taste IMO.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the sugar tip... I think Im just going to use a little sugar in the water I can't use molassas because it would fuck up my aero system. Thanks alot tho. I hope I can make my super lemon haze taste like lemon drops. That would be soooo0 bomb.