Much Love Oregon!

I'm so confused by this, how does making it harder to get a gun help us in any way? Criminals don't have any problem getting them and never will.. So again we are at a disadvantage
The market now depends on weapons making thier way into the wrong hands. You can take the bus up to dicks sporting goods and leave with an "assault" shotgun the same day, as long as you're 21.

Now those people who wouldn't own a gun otherwise, are being marketed assault arms that are instead called "home defense" weapons.

I don't have a problem with anyone owning guns. Just how much the market depends on criminals, so theyre given out. Not to mention, you can revert most shotguns to mil-spec by watching a quick youtube video.
The 2nd amendment is still relevant, and always will be. It keeps the balance of power in place. Sorry to say but you just don't understand.

It keeps our country from becoming the country our forefathers escaped.
Iam not American so know fck all about the 2nd amendment but if allows crazy fcks to get guns with no hassle u need to revise it it was written in what the 1700s ?
You can never prevent crazy fucks as you say from getting weapons. No matter the type. If someone wants to do something like this idiot did, they can be just as successful with a sword or knife etc..

We stand against tyranny and the 2nd is our insurance policy against it. The real problem is these peole are cowards amd don't know how to deal with their problems. Guns are not the issue. But we can't convince you anti gun people
that seem to prefer big overbearing government to protect you.
The market now depends on weapons making thier way into the wrong hands. You can take the bus up to dicks sporting goods and leave with an "assault" shotgun the same day, as long as you're 21.

Now those people who wouldn't own a gun otherwise, are being marketed assault arms that are instead called "home defense" weapons.

I don't have a problem with anyone owning guns. Just how much the market depends on criminals, so theyre given out. Not to mention, you can revert most shotguns to mil-spec by watching a quick youtube video.
You're ignorant to a few facts that devalues your argument. Nationwide the legal age to purchase long guns (shotguns and rifles) is 18. Handguns are 21. The "mil spec" you refer to is no different than what you buy as a civilian. Most of the military use a standard model remington 870 or mossberg 500 renamed to fit military classification. Some do use the benelli m4. So please enlighten me as to what mil spec means to you?

The thing I agree with you about is the marketing. The word "tactical" is an effective marketing term and is so overused its not funny. This appeals to the wannabes and those who feel it makes them cool like the military.

You're ignorant to a few facts that devalues your argument. Nationwide the legal age to purchase long guns (shotguns and rifles) is 18. Handguns are 21. The "mil spec" you refer to is no different than what you buy as a civilian. Most of the military use a standard model remington 870 or mossberg 500 renamed to fit military classification. Some do use the benelli m4. So please enlighten me as to what mil spec means to you?

The thing I agree with you about is the marketing. The word "tactical" is an effective marketing term and is so overused its not funny. This appeals to the wannabes and those who feel it makes them cool like the military.

I mean, you buy a mossberg 5, and it's law to have no more than 3 shells in the chamber in my state, if you're a civillian. Every model on the shelf takes no more than 3 shells.
There are many many videos and the like, that show you specifically how to remove the wooden plug, and allow 8 shells in your tactical "home defense" weapon. It takes 2 minutes. I don't know if that makes it "mil spec" but it's not commercial anymore. So who cares what it means to me?

You can't trace anything back to a shotgun, and they're the most readily available.

And the things you mentioned about ages, even though you are correct, actually give value to my "argument."
Well here is a little more education for you. The wooden piece you refer to is a called a round limiter or aka a duck plug. This is to limit the rounds in the gun for hunting waterfowl. If your local/state ordnance limits the capacity then that is different. But almost all factory shotguns have a total capacity of 3, 5, or 8. Home defense guns typically hold 7 or 8. What makes them home defense and NOT tactical or assault is the shorter barrel, which makes them more easily maneuverable in tight spaces such as hallways.

The age gives no credibility to your weak argument. In the USA you are an adult at 18 and should be able to buy handguns as well as drink IMO.
It's common sense dude.Rifle hunting is regulated by area and time of year.(in us) Shotguns can be used for hunt or sport any time, because shots drop off. Rifles dont. Thus making shotguns more popular=more readily available. Take a look in any sporting store. Don't be naive.

By your logic, the 10 round limit mag law in my state is for hunting too? I think things go a little deeper than that.
It's common sense dude.Rifle hunting is regulated by area and time of year.(in us) Shotguns can be used for hunt or sport any time, because shots drop off. Rifles dont. Thus making shotguns more popular=more readily available. Take a look in any sporting store. Don't be naive.

By your logic, the 10 round limit mag law in my state is for hunting too? I think things go a little deeper than that.

You are very ignorant of the FACTS. Most gun stores at major retailers have more rifles on display than shotguns. But that doesn't mean anything. More readily available means more easy to get not more popular. Shotguns are not easier to get than rifles. Rifles can also be used for hunt or sport anytime of the year in any area I am aware of. Target shooting and predator varmint hunting are a few examples. Almost every area has a year round season on varmints and predators.

The magazine limits are feel good laws to help you sleep at night.

I can keep this up as long as you want because you are not factual in most everything you say. Use facts and not your ideas and feelings to support your argument. The only thing you said that FACTS support is that shotguns have a shorter range than rifles.
Why not converse with me, instead of demand explanations for things you don't understand? Why do you refuse to acknowledge state law? Why do you speak emotionally with no facts or basis and then acuse me of doing so, like a hypocrite?

Rifles are not easier to get than shotguns. You cant prove it and You're just wrong. Where's the facts to support your claim, bud?

I live in Baltimore. We (along with every developed area) have no year round "varmint season" lmao. The predators here are people.

I think we live in different worlds. Why don't you introduce me to yours so I can wrap my head around speaking to you.

Are we having fun yet?
Why not converse with me, instead of demand explanations for things you don't understand? Why do you refuse to acknowledge state law? Why do you speak emotionally with no facts or basis and then acuse me of doing so, like a hypocrite?

Rifles are not easier to get than shotguns. You cant prove it and You're just wrong. Where's the facts to support your claim, bud?

I live in Baltimore. We (along with every developed area) have no year round "varmint season" lmao. The predators here are people.

I think we live in different worlds. Why don't you introduce me to yours so I can wrap my head around speaking to you.

Are we having fun yet?

How did I not acknowledge state law? This is the first you mentioned where you live. I did not say rifles are easier to get. Rifles and shotguns are equally easy to get because they both have the exact same requirements federally to obtain. Maybe where you live it's different. If I lived in a high crime urban area it would be more likely to buy a shotgun for home defense because of the multitude of thugs/bad guys, and the lethality and effectiveness of a shotgun at close range. It is the absolute best choice for home defense. Even if you can only have 3 rounds.

Thankfully I live in no area like you. For pretty much everywhere west of you with a rural area I can pretty much guarantee a varmint season. Whether you think its funny or not. Obviously in urban areas you pretty much have no wildlife. Other than as you say, people.

My facts are based upon extensive exposure to the topic of which we speak. We obviously disagree and that's fine. But when I know someone is speaking ignorantly that paints a more negative picture on reality, then I feel the need to say something. You are speaking of the area you know. I am speaking regarding federal law and the areas I have lived in and the laws in those areas, and none are like yours.

As I said before, state and local laws are different than federal law. I obviously don't know your ordinances and laws and honestly I don't care. I know they are more restrictive than they need to be, and most restrictive firearms laws make nothing safer. A key example is Chicago. Possibly the most restrictive handgun/firearms laws in the nation, yet the highest murder rate often.

The fact that you didn't know what the wood magazine limiter in a Mossberg 500 was about, and thought it was a way to somehow circumvent the law and the capacity by removing it, was what showed to me that you didn't really know what you were talking about. Why wouldn't anyone want to know the truth?
I researched and couldn't find anywhere in Maryland state or Baltimore law that stated shotguns couldn't hold more than 3 shells other than for hunting. State laws aren't as bad as I assumed.
You don't get it. Ive been speculating why the laws are what they are this whole time. Not what they say they are. Do you belive the reefer madness too?

All you've done is try and "school" me over not knowing fed law and military terms. Whats your point anyway?

You've demand facts and proof but provide absolutely none in return. The "facts" you cry for are common sense in developed areas of america. Where the majority of our population live.