Mucky’s Female Seeds C99 EBB & Flow grow


Well-Known Member
they look great do u really think they will finsh in 10 days?
Hey TitoM. How are your C99's doing? Waiting is a bitch isn't it? No, I hope a few of them might be close to finishing in 2 weeks or so but I would guess maybe 3 weeks. I always manage to harvest before they are quite ready and read to wait until you are positive they are ready, then wait a week and look again.:mrgreen:

I selected the bud shots in my previous post because they were the most mature looking. The largest percent still look like the ones below.



Well-Known Member
Those plants look beautiful mucky..,..have to love a fast finishing sativa strain.
Thanks Spaaacie. These c99's have the long thin sativa looking leaves but the buds are compact and tight more like an indica and the smell is so nice... just brushing the buds with my hands and smelling the aromas makes me happy.

I have been following your cabinet project. Building and designing is a lot of fun isn't it. Have you solved your heat problem yet?
bice plants MuckyDucky.
Im growing C99 too_On 2nd grow now.
There are multiply reports about this strain that it reaches max THC potency at flower day 49-52 when trichomes are still mosly clear.After that window she will only degrade.High will be on the mellow side too.

I harvested at day 52 and i want it to be as potent and as trippy as possible so for the second harvest i will try day 50 maybe.



Well-Known Member
bice plants MuckyDucky.
Im growing C99 too_On 2nd grow now.
There are multiply reports about this strain that it reaches max THC potency at flower day 49-52 when trichomes are still mosly clear.After that window she will only degrade.High will be on the mellow side too.

I harvested at day 52 and i want it to be as potent and as trippy as possible so for the second harvest i will try day 50 maybe.

Hi. Did you start your flowering time when you switched to 12/12 or when the flowers actually appeared?
From flip day.
I vegged for about 45days so flowers was already there.Second grow pistils showed only on day 10 because of the stress ive done,but it still counts.

This weed is being famous for trippy high and after day 52 u really loose it. Of course u can leave some colas or popcorn to compare if you want.

It was new to me but It seems people tend to harvest too late.Full potency is reached at mostly clear trichomes,while often people wait for mostly couldy and few amber...


Well-Known Member
Hey TitoM. How are your C99's doing? Waiting is a bitch isn't it? No, I hope a few of them might be close to finishing in 2 weeks or so but I would guess maybe 3 weeks. I always manage to harvest before they are quite ready and read to wait until you are positive they are ready, then wait a week and look again.:mrgreen:

I selected the bud shots in my previous post because they were the most mature looking. The largest percent still look like the ones below.

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I see so still not bad for a sativa dom stain. they r doing ok I think my soil might have been a little to hot for the seedling
here is a pic of today the two on the right r c99 the others r jack the ripper



Well-Known Member
From flip day.
I vegged for about 45days so flowers was already there.Second grow pistils showed only on day 10 because of the stress ive done,but it still counts.

This weed is being famous for trippy high and after day 52 u really loose it. Of course u can leave some colas or popcorn to compare if you want.

It was new to me but It seems people tend to harvest too late.Full potency is reached at mostly clear trichomes,while often people wait for mostly couldy and few amber...
Yea, there is a lot of contradicting information floating around. It seems I usually end up harvesting a little early but this round I think I will try for mostly cloudy with a few amber mixed in.

On my last grow I chopped the tops when the most mature top was mostly cloudy with a few amber specks. The rest were mostly clear. Then I let the bottom buds grow for another week, chopped them too, cured and marked the bottles… At first I preferred the tops, then after a few weeks I started to prefer the bottoms…. It seemed like the bottoms got better and the tops lost something after being cured over a month. Well, what does it all mean? Hell, I don’t know why the bottoms got better and the tops lost something! I do know that I stayed pretty stoned smoking all those tops and bottoms though. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I think your seedlings are looking a lot better now TitoM. My seeds in soil always started out slow and looked a lot like that too. You will like the C99. They really get frosty and mine always bounced back quick whenever I mistreated them.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Spaaacie. These c99's have the long thin sativa looking leaves but the buds are compact and tight more like an indica and the smell is so nice... just brushing the buds with my hands and smelling the aromas makes me happy.

I have been following your cabinet project. Building and designing is a lot of fun isn't it. Have you solved your heat problem yet?
Ya building it can be fun, but I am at the point of wanting to grow now...My stash is already low, lol....I think I have just about solved it...Going to mount that fart fan directly on top of my flowering chamber so that it sucks directly from that chamber....Going to do that sometime later today.


Well-Known Member
I can only repeat,if you want more energetic high chop it at 49-52.Or at least few colas to compare.
When u chop trichomes still mature,so if u chop it too late they only get worse with time.Mine after a month are less energetic too.

Some readings about trichomes
Well, you sound like you are really sure about this 49-52 day harvest for C99. I have cut the most mature bud and will hang and dry. :cuss:



Well-Known Member
Good stuff man! =)

Where is a reputable place where I can get legit C99 seeds? Any help? I think I'm gonna try and get my hands on a few of those. They look and sound freakin amazing.


Well-Known Member
Good stuff man! =)

Where is a reputable place where I can get legit C99 seeds? Any help? I think I'm gonna try and get my hands on a few of those. They look and sound freakin amazing.
I got them from the Attitude Seedbank. They are as legit as you can find. They are put out by "FemaleSeeds" and I have been reading about a lot of other happy growers. Herbies also carries them but their price is $94 for 10. The 'tude has them for $73.50 US.



Well-Known Member
Hey all. This is a closeup of the bud I cut yesterday. I can't tell if there are any cloudy trics but I can see a few amber specks. I am thinking about harvesting next weekend.

Any thoughts or comments are welcome.;-)



Well-Known Member
Hey man, looking good, I didn't read through the whole thread but the C99 caught my eye. I started growing the female seeds C99 last spring, its a great plant. I watched alot of grows before hand to see what I should expect, and it seems like a pretty stable plant, only a couple phenos. I got a more compact pheno, and a taller pheno. I liked the more compact more, but waited to long to get a good clone, and long story short but I only kept the taller for the time being. I did buy a second pack of seeds I liked it so much, to try to get another of the compact pheno. Anyway I toyed with harvesting some around day 49, and some as late as day 60 and I really think about 55 is ideal specifically for the taller pheno. I know your almost done with the grow now, but I hope this helps a little.

Edit: something I feel is important to mention is that plants don't start to flower the moment they go into 12/12 lighting it takes time. If the plant is pretty mature when you switch it, then it might only take a few days. If the plant is immature it might take a few weeks to start to flower.

What I'm getting at is I would not expect your plants to be done 50-55 days after you switch them to 12/12 light. You should try to figure off of when they began to form pistils and begin to actually flower.

Personally I try to avoid putting a time frame on any of my plants, and I just harvest them when they truely look ready. But when I run a strain for the first time I do try to keep an idea of how long it took as a reference for running the clones.


Well-Known Member
Hey man, looking good, I didn't read through the whole thread but the C99 caught my eye. I started growing the female seeds C99 last spring, its a great plant. I watched alot of grows before hand to see what I should expect, and it seems like a pretty stable plant, only a couple phenos. I got a more compact pheno, and a taller pheno. I liked the more compact more, but waited to long to get a good clone, and long story short but I only kept the taller for the time being. I did buy a second pack of seeds I liked it so much, to try to get another of the compact pheno. Anyway I toyed with harvesting some around day 49, and some as late as day 60 and I really think about 55 is ideal specifically for the taller pheno. I know your almost done with the grow now, but I hope this helps a little.

Edit: something I feel is important to mention is that plants don't start to flower the moment they go into 12/12 lighting it takes time. If the plant is pretty mature when you switch it, then it might only take a few days. If the plant is immature it might take a few weeks to start to flower.

What I'm getting at is I would not expect your plants to be done 50-55 days after you switch them to 12/12 light. You should try to figure off of when they began to form pistils and begin to actually flower.

Personally I try to avoid putting a time frame on any of my plants, and I just harvest them when they truely look ready. But when I run a strain for the first time I do try to keep an idea of how long it took as a reference for running the clones.
Thanks for the info Thundercat. I timed the first pistils too and they were visible 8 days after switching to 12/12 so it would be around 2 weeks until the 55 day mark. I use the advertised flower time just for a guide, a window in which to check them closely more often. My problem is telling exactly where that sweet spot is. I look at the pistils for color change and receding into the bud. Checking the trics is a problem for me though. I can't really tell the difference between clear and cloudy. I can spot amber trics but I have noticed that on my previous plants the trics on the edges of the sugar leaves in the bud get a very large percentage of amber while the trics on the actual buds just have a couple of amber. Do you check your trics? Would you count the amber sugar leaf edge trics or not?


Well-Known Member
Looking GREAT Mucky! I've 2 C99's just 2 weeks into flower right now- also Female Seeds from Attitude. I've 2 very similar phenos, and they both look like yours, just a few weeks behind. So unfortunately I can't offer much, but I am subscribed and stoked to see how these turn out for you- and to learn a thing or 2 in the process.:bigjoint:

Also, I think you're doing the right thing as far as keeping an eye on things and chopping when you know its right. Always good to have other people's opinions/experience in mind, and the breeder's suggested harvest day too, as you make the call. But every grow is different. Yours looks great. Best of luck now that you're in the home stretch! And also, what do they smell like? Got the grapefruit pheno?!


Well-Known Member
I do check my trichs every once in a while, but not real often anymore. When I do check them, I'm looking for cloudy and clear, and I'm lookking at the bud only the leaves mean nothing. Its very common for leaves to get damaged which will make the trichs appear amber. This can happen on the buds also, so try to be gentle. I try to just read the plants and make a decision based on trich appearance, pistil appearance, whether the calyxs seem swollen and the bud has filled out. I think from what you've said, and the pictures on the last pages from a couple days ago that what your figuring is just right. Knowing the way the Cindy finishes up I think your gonna be very happy in another 1.5-2 weeks.

Also I'm all for experiments, you might take one plant at 48-49ish days, and let one go longer or something like that. I was kinda thinking from the pics on the last page that you might have both phenos. Is this picture of a different plant the the others?

It looks a little more "full", and like it has a bit less bud leaf. This picture reminds me of the pheno I wanted to keep. If I'm correct that this is a different plant and pheno, and if its the same as the one I had you can totally cut that one around 49 it will be GREAT!
Maybe Thundercat is right about first day of flower should be with pistils.But hey,i was told this by man who should flower only when plant is mature and that is day 28 for C99,maybe 30.
You flipped at day 21 so it makes sense to wait for pistils.

Another moment,article i gave you clearly shows that for sativa dominant plant maximum potency reached at 20-30% cloudy and moslty clear.

I bought loop only few days ago so im not so experienced at checking trichomes.But you must recognise milky and clear trichomes.DO NOT check leaves,they mature earlier than bud.

The last thing,we discuss not only when trichomes mature in general, but we talk about very unique plant with unique high which (already 3 people confirmed) after day 52 is very different.)

BTW i had 2 seeds and 2 phenos too.Tall one was first,now more compact one now at 3week of flower.

Wonderful strain...


Well-Known Member
I just went through your whole grow again. Amazing stuff man!

Your plants just sprinted the whole way through!

Now I want ebb & flow too! hahaha