Multi Spectrum T5 Veg and Flower with Flood table and Tent-First Grow.

Tee Five

Active Member
Hey man I jus read your whole journal and I like it...I have the same light that I bought from my buddy for only 50 bucks...with 8 bulbs of eack 3000k n 6500K..I absolutly love the t5s. They produce amazing smoke. Lots Of crystals. I havnt really vegged and then flowered under mine yet I've only flowered. Due to lack of veg room I've been experimenting with 12/12 from seed..
Well that's good to know. Im glad to hear someone has had success using this method (other than my Hydro-store-guy).


Well-Known Member
Ya man you won't be disappointed...only thing is buds r a little light but I'm still dialing it can't go wrong with the t5s they earn there moneys worth real topic tho is that your tat in your avatar? If so that shit is sick..

Tee Five

Active Member
Firstly...Welcome MEANGREEN and justgogrow...Im glad to have you aboard! Thanks for your kind words.

Today I have followed recent advice from Dave (see wall of text; page one) the hydro store guy. He told me to lose the GH Micro from the flowering stage for the simple fact that it's too much Nitrogen. He has advised me to use the Flora Bloom only.

His point was that the ppm that the Mirco was using up could be used for the more K & P rich Flora Bloom; which is what my plants need right now.

Well...that makes sense.

So that's was I have done. I'm officially off the Lucas Formula.

Pic's are scheduled 1 week today...otherwise there is no dramtic difference from the last pics. But the cola's are more full and the clones have new leaves (not pic worthy yet imo)

Take care til next time!

Comments, questions and complaints are always welcomed by all.


Well-Known Member
Only whats in the Flora Nova Bloom. I checked the label and those elements are present.
IMO i whould get a small bottel of cal/mag. its always one the 1st things the plants eat up and once they really start going im sure you'll see some cal/mag def..better to have it and not need it then to need it and not have it.

Tee Five

Active Member
IMO i whould get a small bottel of cal/mag. its always one the 1st things the plants eat up and once they really start going im sure you'll see some cal/mag def..better to have it and not need it then to need it and not have it.
Im not sure a Cal/Mag is a huge concern atm.

Is it possible you might be thinking of Phosphorus? Either way Phosphorus is the battle for my plants right now. I know some Phosphorus deficiencies are normal during flowering-I just don't want it to get carried away.

However I will keep an eye out for "spots."

Tee Five

Active Member
I managed to get some nute burn (I actually thought this was a Phosphorus problem at first)

I guess since I changed the format from planters to Hydroton bed the roots are more exposed to the nutes. I've taken all the measures and reduced the nutes to 500ppm. I didn't want to go too crazy because I know Im close to where I need to be.

Anyways--more pics Monday



Well-Known Member
Live and learn bro...I've only grown bagseed and they turned out all right jus like I said a little light...but I got lucky enough to get seeds from a really good locally grown dro they call unknown an its lookin nice

Tee Five

Active Member
Some shots of my clones--they are about 8" and have been cropped. Most of the roots are weaved into the hydroton. They still have to live there for 30 more days. I have some Zebra spiders patrolling the area (aka-jumping spiders) for mites and other undesirables.



One of my Zebra Spiders (Of approx 4). It's about the size of an eraser on the back of a pencil.

Tee Five

Active Member
Weekly Update

This Wednesday (so 2 days from now) we should be 1/2 way to harvesting. So we are at the half-way mark already (damn how time flys). I'm looking forward to the 6 week explosion.

Aside from the nute burn I think it's looking good. But I can't afford too many more mistakes.

More pics next Monday.



Active Member
Everything is looking good, especially the clones. Keep those babies healthy and your next harvest will be better than this one.

Tee Five

Active Member
Well here are my Clones...I added a nifty little steel fan. You'll also notice a lady bug keeping "six"--Lets hope the spider doesn't pounce it.

It's quite the ecosystem I have going on...and I'm lovin it!


Tee Five

Active Member
As for my Mom's--well they are coming along.

We are now officially over the half way mark (til harvest)..this is the first time in my life I can't wait for June to end...because that will mean I will be able to see the end of the tunnel...July 14th (ish)

Res change this Tuesday...I'll be running pure ph balanced water for 24 hours before I add nutes.

current nute TDS is 450ppm...I 'm sure that has stopped the burn.

See you all next week!



Active Member
Hmm, I've never seen a spider mite that close, but I guess that's what it is. I wouldn't screw around with those guys, if it really is spider mites. They can take over your grow in no time. Believe me, I know. I dealt with them for a year before I fully eradicated them. If you need tips on how to get rid of the bastards, let me know. I'm a decorated veteran of the spider mite wars.