Multi Strain Grow

Ant Grows Dank

Active Member
I will switch them over on monday to 12/12. I can't fucking wait either first time I've ever grown strain name shit besides 1 other time. The other time had to cut down for reasons. This time Idc their going all the way lol.

Keep blazin

Ant Grows Dank

Active Member
Switched them into flowering today instead of tomorrow. Just kind of anxious lol. Anyways all my new seeds sprouted. If you look closely my skunk #11 seed sprouted THREE plants with ONE seed. It's crazy and the seed was fem'd so hopefully their all female. In the pictures you'll see I over watered my white berry and blue venom a little. Just going to let them dry out a little longer.

Anyways I took a shit ton of pictures, finally figured out how to take descent pictures.




Well-Known Member
They will grow taller... But i dont reccommend it personally... if you dont want them to be so short just raise the lights a bit. Ive always liked my plants bushy. I am guessing the plant with your cat in the way of the blue tape is the blue venom?

If so its looking good!

By the way i decided on Blue Venom and its germinating at the moment, so i will be a ways behind you but ill try and catch up ! :)

Ant Grows Dank

Active Member
Yeah I like short bushy plants about 3 feet tall max in my room, but anyways I have lollied before but my plants only stayed like 15inches. I just wanted to make sure if I did they will acheive my goal of 2-3 feet and bushy like now.

When I did lolli I was doing a scrog, but curious how it worked on bigger plants.

Anyways stoned Im going cause I am rambling lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah I like short bushy plants about 3 feet tall max in my room, but anyways I have lollied before but my plants only stayed like 15inches. I just wanted to make sure if I did they will acheive my goal of 2-3 feet and bushy like now.

When I did lolli I was doing a scrog, but curious how it worked on bigger plants.

Anyways stoned Im going cause I am rambling lol

Okay man, if you do do it show some before and after pics!

Good luck


Ant Grows Dank

Active Member
Day 2 of flowering.

Just fed them for the first time 1/4 strength of micro, grow, and bloom. I noticed some N defiency (sp) in some of the bigger ones today. They really like that new HPS bulb growing super fast. Temps have been steady 77 with c02 so yah their taking off. Enough talking here's some pics, didn't feel like pulling them all out so tried and get the best pics under that light.



Active Member
Pictures as promised.

The four empty pots are the new one's i just put in. Also the pot in the back right looks empty, thats my cheisel thats doing good just really short and bushy.

Temps shown are with door open and with closed is 77.

Thanks for looking :joint:
great looking plants subscribed

On your thermometer is that 38% humidity? You may want to get that up closer to 50%

Ant Grows Dank

Active Member
Yeah its 38 and I just switched to flowering so raising humidity is a big no no. Mold issues would prevail if so.

Thanks for stopping in

Ant Grows Dank

Active Member
Well I decided to lollipop them since I have in the past and got massive colas which is good :joint:. I used my favorite snippers and went to work. I accidentally cut into the stalk on my afghan kush, hopefully it makes it, it's not to to bad and I have done worse to other plants lol.

Anyways the pictures show the front side of the pots to display the names and the picture after that is a top shot of them.

I was planning on lolling the first week of flower and again in the 3rd or 4th week. I just don't want any straggly buds on these plants, just fat colas.

Also the first pictures are BEFORE and the last pictures are AFTER obviously.

Enjoy :joint:



Well-Known Member
Whats every one think about the lolli? Done right?

Looks great, i dont really know much about lollipopping but i always thought you did it later on... but considering you are already flowering it makes sence :)

I hope you get some fat colas!

Ant Grows Dank

Active Member
Yeah I did alot of research last night on the topic. I couldn't find a exact answer on when to do it. So I went in between what every one was saying to be safe. What I figured was might as well get the useless branches out of the way before they put energy into buds.

Anyways guy I have a question for whom ever can answer it.

I have a extra 400 watt hps/mh setup. It's not a cool tube just a basic one with a magnetic ballast. I want to get a cooltube for it and use it during flowering sometime. The cooltube I have been looking at says you just plug it into your Digital ballast. Well that won't work cause I have a soild wired magnetic ballast.

So any ideas? I was thinking just taking the bulb socket out of the new cooltube and switching it with the one I have now.

Hope that makes sense if not Ill be on to answer questions


Well-Known Member
Can you hang it vertically?

If you hang it without a reflector it doesnt create as much heat so you would be able to put it closer... But not all bulbs can do that.

Anyways MH are used more for veg not flower, im sure it would help but not as much as you would want

Ant Grows Dank

Active Member
I have a metal hailde and hps bulb for it. The hps came with it. So i would be using the hps obviously. Yes I can hang it vertically without a reflector. Why dosen't it cause as much heat without a reflector?

So with the 600 watt hps and 400 watt hps I will have roughly 135,000 instead of 95,000 and with 95,000 I am already over 10,000 lumens per square foot so I am already optimal, but I just want to add the extra 400 hps for the extra growth at the end.