Howard Stern
Well-Known Member
Thanks Gobbly, My SK looks like she is real close to being done, her leaves are dieing off and the hairs are getting mostly amber and starting to pull back a little bit. It isn't done completly but my bubbelicious that are 30 days into flower are 10 times frostier! My Kush is on day 60 something, and just doesn't look that impressive. I know at the end of the life cycle the plant is supposed to push out more resin glands if it isn't polenated as a last chance to catch polen before it dies but I have noticed that the buds on it look different. Don't know if you have ever had this but the buds grow like two tops on the buds? I had this hapen to me on my Northern lights that I grew, maybe just a retardation phenom or something.
I am pretty commited to takeing her down Friday, cus for one I need the room, and for two you can see from the pics that there isn't alot of resin glands on it and she just doesn't look that impressive! So I don't see what waiting a couple of more weeks will do. LOL I just thought that she is like a puppy at the pound and she better get addopted by firday or it's off to the gas chamber!!!
Kind of a sick thing on what I think is funny! She better show something in the next few days or she is getting put down!
I am pretty commited to takeing her down Friday, cus for one I need the room, and for two you can see from the pics that there isn't alot of resin glands on it and she just doesn't look that impressive! So I don't see what waiting a couple of more weeks will do. LOL I just thought that she is like a puppy at the pound and she better get addopted by firday or it's off to the gas chamber!!!