Multiple clone… clump?


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone. :)

First, my goal: to stay within the legal limit of "plants" I'm allowed in my state, but to have the fullest/bushiest most productive plants possible, while growing in an indoor closet space -- so I want the most compact but thick/dense canopy I can get.

The question: has anyone ever placed two or three clones together in one cube of rock wool with their bases touching?

The intention would be to have multiple sisters that "became" one plant, but had several main stems from the base up. I would imagine it would need some extra nutrients and a nice big container, but an aggressive TSL and then SCROG'ing approach could maximize the yields… maybe?

Good idea? Bad idea?


Well-Known Member
I suppose in a way I was, and thanks for the very clear answer, I'll stick with the tried and true ways. :cool:
Multiple plant's in one container will fight for root space along with the space above the pot. They just do not grow well that way.

Give it a try with one cube so you can see for your self if you have the room.


Well-Known Member
So pretty much you want to graft 2-3 clones into one plant that will start with multiple stems. Sounds interesting, and doable, but why not just cut bigger clones? If you scarified/split the stems and then tied them all together, they should grow into one plant. The stress of doing this while trying to get roots might be an issue. You may want to try taking 2 established clones, with roots, scrape the roots of one half of the stem of each and tie the plants together with the scraped areas touching, they should grow together. Once they grow together, it will start acting like a singular plant again and one branch will take over as the apical meristem

So i guess the real question would be - Is starting smaller clones and grafting them to get a bigger plant quicker than, A) starting with bigger clones or B) vegging longer?

This might be a good technique of growing one plant with multiple strains on it, which is the main reason i ever started researching grafting.


Well-Known Member
It would be cool to grow a multi-strain plant! But since it is an annual it would be a lot of extra time to get to where you want to be just to have it end at harvest!

Someone dooo eeet!!!! :weed:


Well-Known Member
It would be cool to grow a multi-strain plant! But since it is an annual it would be a lot of extra time to get to where you want to be just to have it end at harvest!

Someone dooo eeet!!!! :weed:
I was thinking more along the lines of mother plants with multiple strains on them, feeding a perpetual harvest. You could, in theory, keep a plant under veg lighting for years.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking more along the lines of mother plants with multiple strains on them, feeding a perpetual harvest. You could, in theory, keep a plant under veg lighting for years.

I like that idea!!! I did not think of that..

Damn you!! I do not need another project.. I do not need another project.. I do not.....