Multiple PC Wiring from 1 Source


Active Member
I needed info on how 2 assemble 8 pc fans 2 1 source without having 2 use 8 phone battery charger cords, which I dont have the $ 4, I'm growing out of rubbermaid totes that I'm using 4 a stealth grow!!! :-(


Well-Known Member
I needed info on how 2 assemble 8 pc fans 2 1 source without having 2 use 8 phone battery charger cords, which I dont have the $ 4, I'm growing out of rubbermaid totes that I'm using 4 a stealth grow!!! :-(
Assuming that the phone charger you have is capable of powering 8 fans (check the rating on the fans and charger), you would simply wire the fans in parallel.

In other words, connect all the red wires together, and all the black wires together. These are your positive and negative, respectively.